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Why did the United States praised the government of Medvedev

Зачем США хвалят правительство Медведева

Listen Americans, and make the opposite conclusion, writes Free Press.

Compared to 2015 year Russia has risen by 5 positions in rating of Global innovation index 2016″ (GII-2106) and took 43rd place. This was reported by analysts of the consortium Cornell University (USA), INSEAD (France) and the world intellectual property organization. The study also drew employees of the Moscow higher school of Economics. Economists have analyzed 82 figure 128 economies of countries that produce 98% of world GDP and home to 92% of the world population.

It is not just about a single index, and about lot of other extremely useful information, including about the two sub-indices. The first describes the resources and conditions available to a country to attract capital, and the second indicates the progress made in investing activities. The results of these studies show that the opportunities we have, but the efficiency of investments and the methods of raising capital, will not fit.

In General, the global innovation ranking, as already mentioned, Russia occupies 43 place, and the largest GDP PPP per capita — 39th place in the world and 29th in Europe) that, according to the GII-2106, corresponds to the high level. Meanwhile, the situation with the well-being of Russians is bleak, falling real incomes, people suffocate predatory loans, pensions in line with inflation not indexed, people slowly impoverished.

That is why, reading the report’s conclusions about our country, the impression that we are not talking about one country, but two. For one feature, the engine pessimizatsiey, backwardness and degradation, and the other — on the contrary, looks decent and demonstrates high intellectual, scientific and creative quality. For example, expenditure on education we on a distant 79th place, but the number of graduates in scientific and technical professions — 11.

This kind of logismos quite a lot. In a country dominated by incompetent managers promoting a dead-end business model (97th in quality control), but there are great inventors: the volume of patent applications for utility models filed by national applicants in the patent office of the country, Russia on the 7th place. We have wonderful actors and singers that are in demand all over the world (exports cultural and creative services 11th place), but worse with managers responsible for the exchange of scientific and technical information (innovative communication — 112).

Moreover, the findings of the GII-2016 it is said that 90% of the national companies in the country do not aspire to development that is not considered innovation as a basic business model.

Of course, the passivity of the majority of businessmen can be blamed on high Bank lending rates. However, private money in the economy abound. The inaction of the owners and managers of Russian enterprises surprised even the ultra-liberal Alexei Kudrin, who announced that Russian companies have accumulated in their Bank accounts so much free capital that is commensurate with their annual need for investment. “This money is cheaper than Bank loans, because they belong to the companies, but they are not invested,” said he.

That will turn out: Russia seems to be — smart, rich and talented country, but everything goes wrong.

“I wouldn’t take to heart index GII-2016 and rejoice in the fact that Russia climbed five steps in this ranking, especially given that the study involved the staff of the HSE, says the President of the Union of entrepreneurs and tenants of Russia Andrei Bunich. It seems that there is an element of the “paid”: we need the President to show that it is not so bad in Russia if such respected organizations as Cornell University and INSEAD of France, praised the government”.

Why are we to praise? Obama, by contrast, promised to tear our economy to shreds?

Was hot, probably said without thinking. In fact, Americans are comfortable with our current government, that’s praise! Personally, I find it funny to read the West article on “the Economy stabilized”, even if they publish such respected agencies, such as Bloomberg. It is necessary cautiously to perceive praise from overseas.

But with the money, if you believe Kudrin, the economy — everything is fine. It is only necessary to force managers to work and spin.

— Who have a lot of money? All medium and small business, sorry, emits last breath. There is a solid bankruptcy. From the terrible suffering and lack of money the population is a fact. But if somewhere departed, somewhere, has arrived. Occurred in capital flows on account of major monopolies and corporations. And the fact that the managers of the giants of the national economy not working for the good of the Motherland is a common disease of the business elite throughout the world. Do you think that American business spinning like a squirrel in a wheel? Wrong! There, too, is complacent doing nothing — only on a smaller scale. Why change anything if the Central Banks have flooded the Corporation free finances, and they let them on speculation. We have, in fact, something like this happens to the Japanese economy. We, like them, frozen in its development, however, they are still high of life and we poor.

We have a crisis forever?

The problem is that Russia — not Japan. We have another place in the world order, so we need a strong economy, at least in order to survive.

Alexander Sitnikov

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