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Who will select the unattended machine gun?

Кто подберет бесхозный пулемет?

Write that in Ingushetia the Riot police lost the gun. Night, on the road from andara in Gazi-Yurt (the Nazran district). Along with ammunition in the amount of one hundred pieces. “Under unknown circumstances”.

Furthermore, this is very funny (“Oh, it seems we machine-gun somewhere uttered”), it is also very scary. We complain that the Riot police or resguardar we were so rudely thrown in paddy wagons. And in some parts of our country they have machine guns instead of rubber truncheons.

Imagine this picture. Walk down the road and her gun lying around unattended. And ammunition. I hope, in good hands it fell.

Elizaveta Aleksandrova-Zorina, journalist

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