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Who is the owner of the world?

Кто в мире хозяин?

People are not tired of arguing about who rules the world – the Jew-masons, Washington regional Committee, the Queen of England or maybe the most powerful President in the world, so fierce menacing look of fear on all of the above?

There are two main criteria to determine who the owner of the world: money and military force.

Whose currency is used by most countries of the world, and thus allows to control not only their own economy but of the world – and the host. Because he can due to alone the monetary methods to ensure the welfare of themselves and their partners and opponents on the contrary to plunge into crisis and debt. And this allows its policy, which supporters will be more than the opponents, because everyone wants to be rich and healthy and no one wants to be poor and sick.

Money is the source of military strength, too, because the military need to pay, gun manufacturers have to pay for their products – it’s all money. And who can freely print money to pay their military and arms – he is free to increase its military strength.

For a strong army needs a strong base – it is an axiom that everyone knows about the ensign, not to mention the officers. And the rear is military supplies and different types of allowances that should be funded.

There is another important point – when your currency used by other countries, there is a possibility to export inflation. Let me explain: if you increase the money supply by 10%, then all the money, including in circulation abroad will be cheaper for the same 10%. We can consider this as a tax, which the monetary authorities can collect at any time from all who use their currency. And to collect this tax requires no tax inspection – simply increase the money supply and the tax collected. And no one can evade.

A military force needs a world hegemon to protect the monetary authorities, to prevent the withdrawal of other countries from financial dependence and gradually shoot anyone who is independent or trying to get it.


For example, there was a comrade Muammar Gaddafi, who wanted to introduce the gold Dinar and ensure due to this the financial independence of the whole region. What became of him? Shot. Because that’s how he wanted to do.

And no matter what after that Libya did not stop the civil war and the country has become a source of weapons and terrorists. It is not important. The important thing is that the global hegemon has not allowed the country to gain financial independence and become an example of independence to others. About the same happened with Iraq.

But Saudi Arabia behaves well and regularly sells oil for dollars, store savings in dollars and financial hegemony is not threatened. Therefore, it is possible to live under absolute monarchy.

Money and military power – the alpha and omega of power. These two components support, reinforce and reproduce each other. Military force – derivative financial power, financial power rests on military power.

In principle, it was from time immemorial – the Treasury for the maintenance of troops and the army to protect the Treasury. However, in the past money was made from precious metals, because their issue was limited to the production of these metals, and the value at issue does not fall. And currencies did not exist.

In the 20th century everything changed, because first was cancelled provision currency, then money has become altogether electronic numbers in computers. And military power in the 20th century also came to a new level. Air force and Navy today allow in the short term to deliver a crushing blow to any part of the world. A nuclear weapon is even more devastating and even more a short time.

Before the power of empires was limited by the amount of physical money, that is, the volume of extraction of precious metals, and the scope of the troops were limited opportunities for their movement and supply, so rarely ranged far from the border. Today, financial power and military power allow you to control practically the whole world.

The greatest power have the money. There are several reasons:

1. Money allows to exercise operational control because the money supply can increase, reduce and redistribute much faster than military force. You can quickly highlight credits and one to block the accounts of others.

2. The use of financial instruments is absolutely legitimate. Global hegemony is not only not obliged to ask permission from the UN security Council for their financial transactions, but even to put someone else in known about them. And if the use of troops might be perceived as excessive and unjustified, against the monetary solutions no words can say – they are absolutely legitimate.

3. Military bases the global hegemon, though located in different countries, but still not all. And the dollar is in circulation almost everywhere.

Added to this is the famous saying attributed to Rothschild: “Give me the ability to print and control the money of the country, and I don’t care who writes the laws.”

So now we can say this: no matter what the power, monarchy or democracy who is at the highest state post – President or Prime Minister, what is the Republic – presidential or parliamentary. If a country is strongly linked with a world currency – it belongs to the person who produces the currency.

By and large, the economy of the world hegemon is not only its own economy in its official boundaries, but also the economies of all countries that are under its monetary and military control. Well or part of these economies at least.


So who’s the global hegemon, whose currency enjoys the whole world, whose bases are located around the world who consistently destroys the state, trying to maintain or gain financial independence?

First of them was Britain. But she lost the fight for world domination in the course of three wars – the US war for independence, the First and Second world wars.

First USA, where he moved part of the British elite, wrested from great Britain the right to issue independent currency, which was the main subject of the war for independence. Then the United States in the First world have declared their political and economic claims for control in Europe. At the end of the Second world Britain lost its status as a colonial Empire, and the United States, on the contrary, ushered in an era of neo-colonialism and the former British colonies and then independent countries came under the financial control of the United States.

However, to say that the world is ruled by US – not quite true. The fact that the issue of the dollar controls the fed, and this is a private firm. In fact, a consortium of 12 private banks.

I quote: “the Federal reserve – a specially created December 23, 1913, independent Agency to perform the functions of a Central Bank and control of the commercial banking system of the United States. The fed consists of 12 Federal reserve banks, and about three thousand commercial banks that are members…”

And that means that all the weight of the dollar also belongs to the organization that issued it – the fed. That is, indirectly thereby the twelve banks, their owners.

Formally, the fed controlled by Congress. But this is nothing more than a formality. If the fed is actually owned by the state, its leadership is appointed by the Congress or President of the United States and it would not have been a private entity. And the fed is run by 12 members, most of those banks, all the decisions they make in private meetings. And the fed choose them inside himself.

So the world currency, and hence power over most of the world belongs to… Yes, the twelve private banks that created and control the fed.

Can the Congress to return to the state control over the fed?

In theory maybe but in practice is unlikely. But it probably doesn’t matter, because Congress never tried to do so. The only one who tried to change the system is John F. Kennedy. What happened to him, I think, can not recall.


Well, what about military power?

Decisions about the use of troops in the US take Congress and the President. But all recent history shows that US military power is applied in full compliance with the goals and objectives of the fed to extend its financial impact.

And it is easy to understand. After all, who gives money to presidents and senators on the election campaign? The same banks and financial-industrial group, or otherwise owned by these banks.

The 12 primary banks own shares of the largest enterprises, they also give loans to these enterprises, they’re using the fed’s own all dollar weight, which operate with enterprises performing contracts, paying money to employees and dividends to shareholders.

And who elects the senators and presidents? Did the people? They choose the elite, the establishment. After that, candidates are actively advertised through the media, belonging to the same elite, and then just legitimizers during the elections.

And no one except the elites before the elections to the Congress or to the presidency just doesn’t get it. Simple plumbers and engineers there. Mentioning Reagan is not necessary – though he was an actor, but became the representative of the elite, and therefore was selected.

And in General the functions of the President in the United States of procedure rather than of power. No the President has the authority to make some particularly important decisions. They all require congressional approval, and there are going to the American elite, which is ultimately controlled by the same banks.

Kennedy was the representative of the elite, simply because of any personal qualities he wanted to change the system, but the system was stronger. And much stronger.

So what happens in the end?

All the weight of the dollar, and thus everything that is bought and sold in dollars, including lobbied laws, political decisions, public office election campaign, mass media produced for us weapons and ammunition, military operations, the salaries of servicemen, and all traded in dollars assets – Google, Apple, IBM, Boeing, etc. – all this belongs to the 12 banks.

They also own and control most of the world. And the United States – just the state which is the base for these banks. They can not hang in the air.

USA is a state which applies formally owned military force in the interests of the banks to extend dollar system on the world and attempts all sorts of Muammara Gaddafi to gain independence and set an example for others.


Now it is clear who the owner of the world?

To list the owners of these 12 private banks by name I will not undertake. And not the fact that they are public figures. Most likely there along with representatives from all the known clans of the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Clintons and the bushes, there are people who anywhere never shone.

If you want, you can even think that these banks own ideration from the planet Nibiru. There is a lot of room for fantasies.

The main thing is that the world is not ruled by the Queen of England and not even the Washington regional Committee Washington only performs the function of administrator, Manager. But real power has private capital, a large part of which is owned by 12 private banks, all the ultimate owners of which is not known to us.

But where in this system the most powerful in the world President, I ask some?

And where he was to be with such a financial system like ours, which has long been firmly sitting on the petrodollar needle, stores its assets in the same 12-U.S. banks and change in principle is going on?

It is unlikely that he and his financiers are actually afraid to repeat the fate of Gaddafi. But some fear the subcutaneous conducted by them throughout the long years of retrograde economic policy is still felt…

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