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Whether Putin will be Tauride Putin of Arabia?

Станет ли Путин Таврический Путиным Аравийским?

October 8, 2016 in the transfer of ITON TV “Special folder” Y. Kedmi (Kazakov), head of the secret services “Nativ” until 1999, said:

Russia moves to a new policy, that is, the rejection of tolerance, which previously conducted the Russian government, to the non-performance of certain agreements between Russia and the United States, and the adoption of new solutions, which are aimed against Russia, according to Russian leadership. The Russian authorities decided that something that used to shut my eyes now, will not be closed. Now the US problems. I would not be surprised if US will not stop in its practice – the new sanctions, the new anti-Russian projects, Russia can quietly to withdraw from the Treaty on the limitation of missiles of small and average radius of action on the ground. If it does, you can announce new missile for “Iskander”, the range of 5000 km. It is quite another order of conflict, which the United States has always wanted to avoid. The response of Russia is inconvenient neither for the US nor for other countries, and probably from this day on will be the policy of the state of Russia. Nothing to forgive, not to close their eyes and answer them adequately, or doubly the same. The new US administration, which will come, she already knows that the conditions in order to regulate relations with Russia and ease tensions is to restore relations with Russia in 2013. Before the new U.S. President faces a dilemma, or to continue policies that harm US more than Russia, or go for a détente.

J. Kedmi highlights the main principles of relations between the U.S. and Russia: 1. Russia ceases to be a regional Power under the leadership of Washington and London, and ready to pursue their own policies aimed at establishing a new balance of power, 2. The United States was faced with a difficult dilemma – to continue to exert pressure on Russia, which, to the surprise of many politicians, has the opposite value, allowing Russia to strengthen its international policies, or to abandon their Imperial ambitions and stretching Vladimir Putin a hand of friendship. And this dilemma was so complex that Washington is more inclined towards confrontation with Russia, rather than in side agreements and compromises, because the policy of deterrence corresponds more closely to the ideology of the United States, whose basis is fixed for many decades in appeals to the citizens of America to be successful, to strive to achieve their own well being, when life in the U.S. will be emulated around the world. And this ideology of success could not be transferred to the state as a whole, which eventually became the “American dream” for so many people and governments, who sought to emulate the United States. So today, the ideology of exceptionalism of the US Empire cannot be subjected to any change, because this can be regarded as an attack on the American way of life, the dream that was “guiding light” for many countries and peoples. Therefore, the United States, even being on the edge of the abyss, will always prove their uniqueness, their right to maintain throughout the world the “American dream” without looking at the ways and the amount of resources expended.

What was needed for the war in Iraq, when initially pretend play with non-existent weapons of mass destruction? Solely for the sake of maintaining the image of the United States, when retaliation has strengthened its position of a superpower on the world stage. No matter what Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was but a reflection of the instability of the Islamic Ummah in the Middle East, where the lack of ideology creates permanent pockets internal and external contradictions between countries and religions, turning the country in the middle East region in the amorphous and malleable to external influence bridgehead, where London and Washington with great ease control huge masses of people. If you remove these crutches external expansion (colonization), then the Middle East will not stay in those artificial borders drawn up as a result of agreements between Britain, France and the USA, which in any degree does not reflect the actual situation in various regions of the Middle East, where today in a very chaotic way mixed of different ethnic groups and religious movements. But how much longer will the dominion of great Britain, France and the United States in the middle East?

The “Arab spring” was only partly the real embodiment of the Theory of chaos C. manna, but what was the purpose of the United States, when they began to blow up inside the regimes of Mubarak, Gaddafi, Assad, and Ben Ali? Could not calm down after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and decided in retaliation for the terrorist attacks of 9-11 2001, to mixed amorphous middle East just for the sake of confirmation of the US superpower status, able to wipe the desert dust all enemies of America, questioning the “American dream”? Amazingly, trillions of dollars over the 15 years of a sting operation wouldn’t impact US, but rather created a new global confrontation between the US – Russia. It’s safe to say that “the revolution of a gidnost” in February 2014 in Kiev was a continuation of the same Imperial policy of Washington, where “hawks of war”, inspired by the success in the middle East, decided to do the same experiment in the former Soviet Union, but wrong in the main, Russia has never been and will never be an amorphous state torn by ethnic conflicts, not able to hold their territory. And if Russia retreats under the onslaught of the enemy or the pressure of internal contradictions, after, having acquired strength and power, always comes back for his lost good, and even grows new lands, as well noticed in his statement Y. Kedmi, and warned that “an adequate or twice” response of Russia.

Of course, the answer the U.S. expansion in Eurasia was the capture of the Crimea in March 2014, when Russia Vladimir Putin for the first time since the Georgian war of 08-08-08 brought his threats to its logical conclusion, returning to his own. It was the second blow more powerful, “the American dream”, which began its expansion at the wrong time and wrong place. To prove his superiority in the former Soviet space just as dangerous to the integrity of the United States, as in 1941 to Nazi Germany, forever lost its Imperial ways after the defeat in 1945 and the subsequent Nuremberg process and the creation of a new Europe, divided among the winners. It’s one thing to jump for joy on the bones of the defeated USSR, failing to understand the new ideology of Russian resurrection, has received a huge boost after the disappearance of the ideology of the Communist party, sought to neutralize the Russian idea of a Eurasian state. It’s quite another thing to attempt to humiliate Russia at home. Similar Russian Byzantium does not forgive! The second phase of the confrontation between Russia, Vladimir Putin has struck at the most sensitive spot of the “American dream” – the Middle East, where Washington considered himself the absolute master, able to mold amorphous Muslim Ummah that wish. Close to me al-Assad, Vladimir Putin threw a stunning act of courage and foreign policy of Russian bravado – concert released in Palmyra, among the ruins of Roman rule and temple of Baal – Astarte. Thus, Russia has placed its flag in the mystical heart of the Arabian Peninsula, which is PAL, not Mecca. Do not understand the British from that moment began to haul around the world with a copy of the triumphal arch Palmyra, confirming the triumphant entrance of the Arabian Putin in the mystical heart of the Middle East.
And where is Israel, the main beneficiary of Russian victory in Syria was supposed to be it? Where the priests and the rabbis, why not light the sacrificial fire in the temple of Baal – the prototype of the First Temple in Jerusalem? They also, like the London Rothschild did not understand, failed to realize the greatness of the moment when V. V. Putin was able to transfer his win into the hands of those who even did not lift a finger to expand the borders of Israel in a mystical sense to the Outpost of Solomon. Confrontation with tel Aviv and Jerusalem, two of the most irreconcilable of the groups that follow his prophets, Kabbalists and Orthodox Jews did not see the signs of the times – Russia is creating its own Empire, the Russians are returning to what was lost and not going to share her with anyone, even with Israel. Our eyes are an amazing metamorphosis – the stronger the pressure on Russia, the US and Europe, the stronger Russia gets, and the faster weaker enemies, on their own prompting Putin Arabian – Tauride those places where it is necessary to strike blows which cost Russia, but very expensive for London and Washington.

The liberation of the West and the North of Syria, it’s only a few months, if Vladimir Putin will show grit and guile, and the example of the Crimea in this no doubt. Then nobody can prevent Russia to arm the Kurds and create conditions for their full-scale war with Recep Tayyip erdoğan for the right to their own autonomy. War will happen, and the faster, the more clearly will succeed Vladimir Putin in Syria, consequently the next act of the revival of Russia and the fall of the US – Europe will be the Istanbul the Constantinople campaign of Putin, for whom the restoration of historical justice of the Russian affiliation of the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles will be the company in 1916, interrupted by the treachery of the February revolution of 1917. After this victory, the return of Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic republics and Finland would become a mere political act – a recognition of the obvious fact of the fall of the Anglo-Saxon Empire. Russia returns in Poland, Moldova, Romania, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Central Asia.

Fatal error of the United States in Ukraine in February 2014 launched the self-destruct mechanism of Washington and London, only in London realized this early and has started the evacuation of the elites and the exit from the EU, which today became the means of profit for the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers a burden from which you want to get rid of. That is why the Syrian company V. Putin became the impetus that strengthens Russia and weakens the USA – great Britain, that is why the war Russia – Turkey will not only open the Russian gate to the Mediterranean sea and the world ocean, and Vladimir Putin will become like Peter I, open a window to Europe through the Baltic sea, but will destroy NATO – a geopolitical enemy of Russia away from our borders. After the collapse of the NATO – doubt in such outcome of the middle East expansion of Russia is not necessary, as the bets made in Syria is now so high that the loss would be a disaster for Russia, Europe will be defenseless so that you will have to build your own army and sit down at the negotiating table with Russia. It is curious that among rabbis such geopolitical changes find a lively response. The President of the conference of European rabbis, chief Rabbi of Moscow, Chevalier of the Legion of honour of France Pinchas Goldschmidt July 14, 2016:

Is there a future for Europe? I say this not for the first time. By itself, the UK out of the European Union is not a tragedy either for Britain or for Europe. Europe is falling apart? The Pope said that we need a new EU, and I agree with him 100 percent. And the main difference between the new EU should be that the new Union should be based not only on economic principles but on principles of security. Europe 2016, reminds United States of the eighteenth century, which lacked a powerful Federal government and a strong army to repel emerging threats, and protect their just independence.

Independence from whom? From England! Therefore, Europe is in Russian hands, get rid of the dependence of the US and the UK will be forced to create new social, economic, military and political institutions, which, of course, will give Europe a new impetus in its development. And all this through the efforts of the States in the middle East and in Ukraine and Russia’s response to American aggression! That is why politicians understand mysticism in the Kremlin, but not understood in London and Washington!
K. F. Ipatyev(GRU major, retired)

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