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Where does the money go from Panamanian offshore?

Куда уходят деньги из панамских оффшоров?

In fact, with a Panamanian offshore simple man in the street sees only the tip of the iceberg. Try to put yourself in the place of the billionaires who want to keep their loot acquired wealth.

The main purpose of the Panama offshore companies drain was not Putin. His name is used only to attract attention. All this hype was created to attract foreign capital into other Offshores. We are talking about astronomical amounts, some of which will eventually settle in the United States. So this game is worth the candle.

In the “Panama scandal” there are several things that can not be ignored:


  • The investigation was not independent because it is financed. Including from USAID, under the control of the U.S. government. As the saying goes, he who pays the Piper calls the tune.

  • It is not surprising that in “the Panama papers,” are not American citizens. Will the journalists go after those who are funding them?

  • The authenticity of the documents is still not confirmed. What is the guarantee that at least some of these documents a forgery?

    In order not to lose their “investors” Panama is trying to wash away the smear campaign, expressing readiness to cooperate, but will she? Hardly, money loves silence, and while the Panama scandal subsides, it may take much time.

    Куда уходят деньги из панамских оффшоров?

    Not just happy to investigate and the Ministry of Finance of India. He understands that now will begin the outflow of capital from Panama. And the new “investors” will be looking for more reliable ways to “launder money” through, for example, the Gulf countries, including India. Foreign capital inflows have a positive impact on the economy of any country.
    Куда уходят деньги из панамских оффшоров?

    Offshore Bermuda, the Cayman or virgin Islands now look a lot more attractive.
    For example, Bermuda was famous for:


      • The lack of income tax


      • The lack of income tax


      • The no tax on dividends or interest


      • The lack of tax on capital gains


      • The lack of estate tax, gift tax, inheritance and transfer of property


      • A constant influx of qualified experts and professionals


      • Favorable conditions for business


    Proximity to the U.S. ensures that a large portion of the stored wealth would be to invest in the American economy. Here lies the answer to the question: why is the Bermuda offshore will not happen the same thing with Panama. Now think about how comfort of your home can be translated in the U.S. several billion dollars.
    While the world community is closely following the investigation into paid offshore Putin, the United States secured the inflow of foreign capital. Here is how!

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