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What will be the consequences of traumatic brain injury

К каким последствиям может привести черепно-мозговая травмаDoctors said that can expect a man after suffering a TBI.

Traumatic brain injuries differ in severity, respectively, with a serious head injury and skull can be terrible complications. Basically, people get a traumatic brain injury in sports, during a car accidents, falls from heights, fights and so on.

To establish the diagnosis of TBI, the physician needs to conduct some research, but first and foremost he examines the patient for the presence of such symptoms:

1. Bruising of the nasal passages and ears.

2. Severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

3. Partial loss of memory of the victims and the occurrence of hallucinations in him.

4. Uncontrolled noise, ringing in the ears.

5. Complete loss or clouding of consciousness.

The only way to protect yourself from possible complications after receiving a traumatic brain injury is to protect your head from the various bumps, bruises and so on. By the way, age and the severity of the injury depends on the future of a person, since complications may occur immediately, and may suddenly occur after months.

What consequences can result in traumatic brain injury:

1. The most innocuous can be considered depression, low self esteem suddenly, the anxiety and alarmism. At least there are plenty of ways to get rid of negative thoughts and be positive.

2. Violations in human behavior, previously received cranial-a brain trauma, will be much more difficult to fight. To resolve the manifestation of uncontrolled aggression and emotional instability of one of going to the movies is not enough. Here you will need the assistance of a qualified physician.

3. The impairment in cognitive abilities after a head injury is observed in almost all cases. The patient will be hard at first to concentrate on anything, to read, to write, to remember new information or images.

4. Sometimes, having a TBI, the person ceases to speak normally, he can pull of some letters or even start to stutter.

5. Seizures accompany a person after a severe brain injury, after which doctors a patient could get from the light.

What would be the consequences of not appeared after traumatic brain injury, an urgent need to consult with your doctor and not to self-medicate at home, which can lead to more complications.

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