Home / Economy / What should “blow up” the Russian economy in the years 2018-2024

What should “blow up” the Russian economy in the years 2018-2024

Что должно "взорвать" экономику России в 2018-2024 годах

How much money from the sale of oil and gas abroad comes to the budget of the Russian Federation in the form of money? In an annual amount in rubles…

How does the economy of Russia

When the Russians hear about the economy, then immediately an Association with the oil. Many believe that Russia since the Soviet Union sits on the oil needle and will never be able to get off it. The price of oil falls, Russia does not have enough budget, the price increases – the budget is in order. However, you cannot approach the issue, with such a limited point of view.

In connection with the imposition of economic sanctions against Russia several European countries led by the United States, the government realised that to sit still is impossible. Moreover, the Western partners of the Russian Federation provided the service, pointing to weaknesses in its economy. Due to sanctions Russia is increasing the number of jobs, the volume of domestic production, as well as revenues to the budget from non-oil industry.

According to the Ministry of Finance for the first quarter of 2016, the Russian budget earned on sectors not related to oil and gas, two times more money than from the sale of hydrocarbons.

Что должно "взорвать" экономику России в 2018-2024 годах

For the first quarter of 2016, the proportion of budget revenue from oil and gas accounted for 34% to 54% of the same period last year. The remaining 66% were for the production of metals, agriculture, IT sector, automotive industry and education.

The second echelon of the Russian economy – reserves

Что должно "взорвать" экономику России в 2018-2024 годах

Insurance Russia for incidentals has always been and remains the gold reserve. According to the latest world gold Council (WGC), the Bank of Russia has increased purchases of precious metals by 22%. Net reserves exceeded 1460 tons. And all this against the background of growth of production of precious metals in the country by 8%. In parallel with the build-up of foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank reduces the share of currency in the Treasury of the Russian Federation.

The situation is getting better, but there is work to do – the problems and solutions of the domestic economy

Not to say the optimists, there is always another side to the coin. It is engraved and problems faced by entrepreneurs, raising the Russian economy.

19-21 may in St. Petersburg hosted the anti-Crisis expert forum in which the authorities communicated with entrepreneurs, identifying the challenges they faced when establishing or developing production. The forum was not the first, but not last step on the way to building a business in Russia.

Что должно "взорвать" экономику России в 2018-2024 годах

Who led the event, academician of the RAS, personal adviser of the President Sergey Glazyev said that currently Russia is developing, but due to the lack of required capital does not use its potential at 100%.

Due to anti-crisis plan to Vladimir Putin will be able to completely rebuild the Russian economy. The strategy involves the closure of access of foreign speculators to trading on the Russian currency market with the aim of reducing the outflow of capital and reduce fluctuations of the ruble, as well as the creation of a financial system cheap loan.

Due to the credit policy entrepreneurs can obtain funds for business development by 1-3% per annum to 10 years. If the concessional financing plan is adopted, Russia will achieve 6% GDP growth in 2018.

As can be seen, that at the moment the Russian economy is at the stage of “low start”.

Import substitution has undoubtedly given impetus to the development (recovery) domestic industry to shift from oil economy to non-oil.

On the background of the reorganization of the industry, IT-sphere and agriculture, the Bank of Russia at a record pace increases reserves, and created a plan of preferential crediting of business will bring the echelon called “the Russian economy” to a new level.

All these facts allow us to conclude that social services, if not immediately, after the business will develop, improving the living conditions of the population of the Russian Federation.

According to the materials. Russia’s Economy

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