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What is the future of the global financial system?

Какое будущее ждет мировую финансовую систему?

It is interesting to look even in the near future. And in General “to Write the history for the future – the most exciting activity” (the conventional wisdom from Jaroslav Hasek). After all, the future is sure something happens, even if the writer of the “history for the future” – the loser, the prophet, and wrong. Because the same conventional wisdom “Never was that was not. Always been so to some it was.” This is what makes me optimistic. Will definitely “what has been will be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is nothing new under the sun. ECC 3:15.

The future will definitely breast pave the way myself. And Breasts this is sarabella. But I wish you, dear readers, that does not happen as it is written…Nekrasov: “it is a Pity only — to live in this beautiful season. I do not have — and neither do you”.

So, the world came to what is ruling the world of global financial-industrial elite has split into two opposing camps. And it happened due to the fact that the world financial system, created the Pyramid of the dollar, the fed becomes bankrupt. US debt has reached the limit, and if the current and new generation of Americans wants to live beautifully, like the preceding one, the Pyramid needs to cover the whole world. The whole world needs to work, paying out of pocket dollars for the salary of the American state. And the world to contain parasites, though better armed, is it necessary? Link http://kolokolrussia.ru/sovetuem-pochitat/tramp-i-rotshild-gotov-perezagruzit-mirovuu-finansovuu-sistemu?utm_source=sendpush#hcq=iWfy3Up

What exit from this situation? You can delay the collapse of the financial Pyramid, if carnivorous predators kill herbivores Russia and some time to devour her alive, as it was in Yeltsin’s Russia. But Putin has managed to raise the fallen on the knees of the Russian giant, he has recovered from injuries and even added to its power. And now to fill up his unexpected external force swoop will fail. The calculation is based on the tactics of the bite of a Komodo dragon. Pathogens from its saliva contaminates the victim’s blood and she, weaked, falls and broken lizard to pieces.

Russia infected by liberal Western spit of “European values”, which according to the plan of the enemy of Russia, the Anglo-Saxons, and it should lead her to death. Not immediately, but eventually. If you don’t do blood transfusions Russian ruling liberal stratum, the plan of the murder of Russia will be quite real. But while Russia’s President is Vladimir Putin, then wait for the results of malicious saliva of liberalism have long. But time is not on America. So there is another option of keeping the U.S. economy afloat.

“Throw” the whole world, which owes America, destroying the dollar, the fed and replacing it with a new Treasury dollar or simply dollar of the United States, not the fed’s private company. Because so far the Americans do not have their currency, they have the constitutional right to issue dollars of their own. By the way, Russia has the money but does not have the right to their emissions without coordination with the fed and the IMF, and the Central Bank of Russia Russia itself does not belong to and is not accountable to neither the Government, nor the President of the Russian Federation, but only the IMF and its chief in the form of private banking of the fed. The Central Bank of Russia is a state within a state. And it is the main brake on Russia’s economic development.This system was imposed by the Russian Federation under Boris Yeltsin.

One of the opposing camps can be called “money changers”, the “isolationists” or the Rothschilds, He includes part of the world’s financial capital, is considered the anti-globalization movement, which supports the Rothschild family. It is opposed by the camp of supporters of the global Pyramid, the fed “lenders” supported conditional Rockefeller clan. First promoted in the U.S., the billionaire 70-year-old big man Donald trump, and the second camp that includes all of the current Western elite in power and the CIA is betting on Hillary Clinton. But with the health of her mind during the public speech with it, even had a seizure.

D. trump in February-March 2016, speaking to voters, made a threat to his life the statement that after he was elected President, he will conduct an audit of the fed. For most Americans, his words were a revelation.

The fact that such attempt to do so, when the dollar still had gold backing, has cost the US President John F. Kennedy’s life in 1963. Now the dollar, the fed generally unsecured. If you do not assume that all dependent on the fed banks included in the system of the Central Bank in the world, including CBR, are obliged to keep their reserves in USD in the main reserve currency. These are chains that if the reserve becomes less than a certain threshold, the currency of this country is in danger of collapse until he lost his any value, accordingly it kills the economy of this country.

Besides other reserve currencies such as the Euro, yen, Swiss franc, also provided the dollar, the fed and the obligations of the U.S. Treasury. And world gold prices expressed in the same dollar fed. In other words, in the case of the collapse of the US dollar, we have not just chaos, and the world financial “perfect” storm …

And the trick is that the United States assumes no legal liability for the crash of the fed’s dollar in the international currency markets because the United States is not liable for the obligations of the fed. The US by itself, and the Federal Reserve System itself. And it is enshrined in the Act on the Federal Reserve”, having the force of law. (eng. Federal Reserve Act) is a law of the United States (251, Chapter 6, 38) of 23 December 1913.

And soon the outbreak of the First world war, because the fed prevented the financial system of the four empires, which were ordered by the world globalists and financial tycoons. Since the Rothschilds were in England, the British Empire survived, and the US strongly warmed his hands on the world fire.

Donald trump has taken the liberty and, perhaps, first opened the eyes of American voters that “The funny thing is that the Federal reserve is not even part of the Federal government. It is an independent private Central Bank that was designed by very powerful lobbyists, wall Street slightly more than 100 years ago. Meanwhile, the fed gave the US financial system the huge debt that is eating away at America like cancer. While in General there is no direct responsibility of the officials of the Federal reserve before the American people”

In General, if a Republican D. trump will make it to the presidents of the United States and remains alive, formally initiates a comprehensive audit of the Federal reserve as the fed, in his opinion, inflated “bubble” to a critical level, it threatens the US economy, the real collapse.

Whatever it was, and the presidency, trump’s beneficial to Moscow, the fact that trump and Putin agree on the division of spheres of influence of the United States, Russia and other regional centres. Such collective Trampolin will become a guarantor of the new multipolar world. There will be many national emission centers under the gold maintenance of their national currency as a new dollar. Russia enacted the law on the State Bank and the abolition of the Central Bank, functions of the Central Bank will go in the manage GB.

Dollars of the U.S. Federal reserve will continue to be in circulation in cash and cashless form, but they rate against other currencies, backed by gold, will plummet to the order and this is not the limit. Obligations of the U.S. Treasury will continue. It is the obligation of the United States and payments on them will be in U.S. dollars, fixed in gold. The Russian ruble will have a gold standard and will be provided “all the property of the country” by type Treasury bills of the USSR.

Russia will control the entire Eurasian space, which will cover many of the countries that are not yet included in the community.

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