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What is best to eat with flu – tips therapists

Чем лучше всего питаться при гриппе - советы терапевтовDoctors told what foods should be eaten, when they defeated the flu virus.

Menu for a patient with the flu is somewhat different from how eat healthy people. The thing is that the food needs to act as the auxiliary agent, fighting the virus and its manifestations. Most interesting is that when the body needs vitamins and nutrients, people tend to eat do not want. Lack of appetite can be triggered by a sore throat, a runny nose, high body temperature and weakness.

Plus, with the increase in temperature speeds up the metabolism in the body, that is, a person needs to eat a little more than usual to avoid dehydration and exhaustion. But this does not mean you have to overeat. Moderate eating at 2000-2300 calories — just what you need when the person picked up the flu virus.

Physicians recommend patients not to lower hands and to take care of themselves, including menus healthy meals:

1. A decoction of rose hips helps to remove toxins from the body, so it is necessary to drink for respiratory diseases as often as possible. Also, do not forget about mineral water, the amount of which during the period of illness shall not be less than two liters.

2. Dairy products improve the work of gastrointestinal tract and enrich the body with proteins and calcium. By the way, warm milk with honey has soothing properties and helps to get rid of a sore throat.

3. Light soups or broths. If you have the flu instead of chicken soup it’s better to prepare a separate soup of chicken and vegetable soup. Need to get food quickly digested and the body does not overexert.

4. Poultry. From all available types of meat flu, it is desirable to choose the low-fat, such as chicken. You need to cook meat with minimum amount of oil and without skin, again to reduce the time for digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract.

5. Fruits and berries. When a person is sick with the flu, doctors do not advise to consume acidic fruits, as they even more irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx. Therefore, choose sweet varieties.

6. Sweets. To contribute to the development of the hormone of happiness, people want to eat something tasty and very sweet, especially if it belongs to the category of people-those with a sweet tooth. Useful sweet marmalade, marshmallows, honey, candied fruit, etc.

7. Porridge. Cereals ready have a large amount of fiber, which has beneficial effects on the digestive system. Cereal envelop the wall of the digestive organs and remove toxins from the body, so fight the flu much easier.

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