Home / Business / Wedding love: the groom is a billionaire Miranda Kerr insists on a prenup

Wedding love: the groom is a billionaire Miranda Kerr insists on a prenup

East News

About the relationship of Australian supermodels, 32-year-old Miranda Kerr (Miranda Kerr), and 25-year-old Evan Spiegel (Evan Spiegel), it became known last summer, and yesterday the Western media reported about their marriage. However, the joy of the upcoming celebrations marred condition put forward by the groom: the wedding will take place only if the supermodel will sign a marriage contract.

The terms of the contract is beneficial to only one of the parties: journalists argue that, according to his text, Miranda Kerr gets nothing in case they disperse. Apparently, the beauty yet agreed to such strict terms of the elect: according to the publication US Weekly, the wedding date is scheduled.

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However, Miranda herself also boasts an impressive condition: the media estimated that the annual income of a star of the podiums is not less than $ 38 million. The exact amount of annual revenue Spiegel, who created Snapchat, the popular messaging app, is not known, but we know that his Internet service is estimated at $ 19 billion. He’s the youngest billionaire on the Forbes list, his fortune is estimated at two billion dollars.

Эвана Шпигеля и Миранду Керр фотографы поймали во время свидания в Малибу/DR

Эван Шпигель и Миранда Керр/DR

Эван Шпигель и Миранда Керр/DR

Впервые папарацци сфотографировали влюбленных вместе в середине июля/legion-media

Миранда Керр и Эван Шпигель/legion-media

Эван Шпигель — самый молодой миллиардер в списке авторитетного издания Forbes/Eastnews

Миранда Керр/instagram.com/mirandakerr/

Миранда Керр с сыном Флинном/instagram.com/mirandakerr/

Миранда Керр/instagram.com/mirandakerr/

Миранда Керр/instagram.com/mirandakerr/

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