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Vampires in the animal world. Photo

Вампиры в мире животных. ФотоThey are dangerous bloodsuckers.

In the mythology of vampires called back from the living dead, who are forced to drink the blood of people and animals to sustain his life. However, in real life, such creatures do not exist, but in nature there are some animals that such a title would be most welcome.

Vampirov bats
Scientists know of about a thousand species of bats, but only three of them are drinking the blood of vampires. This upland vampire, white-winged vampire and desmod. The first two mostly hunt only birds, but the preferences of the third kind are much more diverse. Desmod can also attack cattle, horses, and other living near humans animals. By itself, its bite is not dangerous, but can act as a distributor of the rabies virus.

Вампиры в мире животных. Фото

The worst among the animals of the vampires is considered a Candiru. Fortunately, the only places where it can be found, are the rivers of the Amazon and the Orinoco, flowing in South America. The size of this small catfish — no more than normal matches. It is parasitic, usually on other fish and suck out blood vessels in the gills. To satisfy your hunger it is enough 1-2 minutes, after which it is disengaged from his victim.
The locals are terribly afraid of this fish because they believe that it is because of its small size is able to penetrate inside human body, causing severe pain. Such cases were actually confirmed by scientists, though the probability of such is very small.

Вампиры в мире животных. Фото

Mites — one of the most prolific vampires on the planet. Their outer shell is capable of so much stretch that they can drink blood 600 times its weight. Mites love to dwell in warm forests, waiting for its prey in the tall grass. Their bite may be the cause of very serious diseases — Lyme disease.

Вампиры в мире животных. Фото

Lampreys are ancient, very creepy and alien like creatures that live in fresh and salt water in different parts of the world. Most of the life they hold as harmless larvae and Mature age reach only by seven years. But immediately after that lampreys turn into a living monsters that attach themselves to underwater creatures mouth, studded with Horny teeth.

Вампиры в мире животных. Фото

Their relationship leeches close to rain worms, only those that are blood-sucking parasites. However, since ancient times, leeches are actively used in medicine, paying their vampire qualities for the benefit of the people. These freshwater dwellers that can reduce blood clotting, helping to relieve pressure or to stimulate blood circulation, and in Indian traditional medicine it is believed that they remove from the body the infected blood.

Вампиры в мире животных. Фото

Steinadler earthen reel
Steinadler earthen Finch is the only bird-vampire. Year round this species lives on the island of Darwin and eats seeds, but will sometimes popolnyat your diet blood. Piercing the skin of other birds with its sharp beak, reel, drinking the blood that begins to flow from the wound.

Вампиры в мире животных. Фото

Hell of a vampire
The animal is also called hell-squid-vampire is considered to be one of the most unique and mysterious creatures on the planet. In studies, the researchers assigned it a separate biological order called Vampyromorphida. Eyed clam in length does not exceed 15 centimeters, and inhabits the waters of the ocean in the vast depths up to 920 meters. His big eyes help him see in the darkness of the deep, and the body is able to glow and change color. Despite its intimidating name, hell of a vampire doesn’t feed on blood. Named it so because of the membranes, which in case of danger act as a shield.

Вампиры в мире животных. Фото

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