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USSR: tens of millions of victims of the Fifth paragraph

In yesterday’s “Vecherka” I read a huge amount of review-PR book V. Zelenogorsky, “My people”. It is clear – in the book a Jew( well done !) praised his people. I have nothing against. All peoples are beautiful. it does not matter – they are numerous or scarce.But why praising people. immediately have to wash State. where this people lived. Had everything.In the Soviet Union Before that, in Czarist Russia, he was humiliated. Did not have the right to live in both cities to hold Public office. Therefore, at the head of other Nations revolutionized Well – led, with the others. And abolished all those legal and political humiliation. that was for Jews under the Tsarist regime. Is there anything I stretching the truth ? Not at all !

But recensent Olga Kuzmina suddenly writes that ” a bedtime story was the story about the unity and equality of Nations, composed once storytellers of the USSR ( This is what Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Kaganovich, the Soviet leaders, representatives of the Jewish people . -A. I.)

Or even the phrase” the feeling of nessaacosta” has always been present in Jewish families , becoming painful to oblezenie skin”. I quoted the author of the laudatory reviews – well, the style she has. and the idea expressed is somehow clumsy, sloppy. Was in a hurry. looks like the reporter ? Maybe the order was written ? Ali – for the money ? V. Zelenogorsky. Fee – for work…. Bad! For – greed. And not a fair judgment about the book.

It is interesting that the heroes of the book “My people” Kuzmin compares somehow with the characters of Marquez. Is that a hint that the author of the books – almost Marquez ?

Or what is unfounded phrase from the review-” It’s an honest story about the life of a Jewish family in a supposedly infinitely friendly.international Country Councils.”. Well, at least example – not friendship! Where is he ?But the friendship in the Soviet Union, in the equality of Nations can lead by example. Fazil Iskander. Abkhazian.Learned in Moscow. Became a poet. then he wrote prose. Is RUSSIAN classics. an honorary citizen of Abkhazia. Not an example ? Ali R. Abramovich In Russia became a billionaire. Who? Jew. Great ! Friendship of Nations . In the USSR, in Russia. But in Russia burzhuaznoi – not the same. Photos RomkaСССР: десятки миллионов жертв Пятого пункта

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