Home / Economy / Ukrainian economist: Ukraine need 180 years to reach the level of 2013

Ukrainian economist: Ukraine need 180 years to reach the level of 2013

Украинский экономист: Украине нужно 180 лет, чтобы достичь уровня 2013 года

Mikheil Saakashvili shamelessly embellished reality somehow saying that Ukraine will need 20 years to regain the standard of living, which was in a “vicious gang of Viktor Yanukovych”. However, perhaps at that time he was not wrong, and from the time pronounced a verdict on Saakashvili, Ukraine evropeizirovan unsurpassed succeeded in the construction of the abyss, separating it from the reign of power, assaulted “independence”, boasting of their dignity.

At the moment, Ukraine is behind not just for the whole life and the lives of several generations. To come to economic indicators 2013, the country will need 180 years.

This opinion was expressed by President of the Ukrainian analytical center Alexander Okhrimenko. The economist notes that for the first quarter of the current year the gross domestic product of the country grew by 0.1%. It would seem that victory. The restoration of the economy. However, all is not so simple, if you compare GDP of Ukraine in 2013, it becomes clear that such success if the country will be able to achieve some progress soon.

If you compare the first quarter of 2016 with the same period in 2013, obtained the following data: GDP fell by 17.9%. Now Ukraine to reach the level of not very prosperous 2013, it will take almost two centuries.

“In order for Ukraine’s GDP reached the level of 2013, which cannot be called a success, Ukraine, or more precisely the Ukrainian business, need almost 180 years”, — says Alexander Okhrimenko.

According to him, only for the first quarter of 2015 the country’s GDP decreased by 17%. And an increase of 0.1%, which now is declared, nothing will. This is likely a mathematical error, and not real growth.

The expert notes that the crisis has severely hit Ukraine’s economy. And what triggered the events of the February 2014 Maidan. Only in order to return to pre-crisis levels, will have to work more than a decade. No European wages promised by the authorities during the Maidan, can not speak. So far only prices and tariffs of the EU.

“And now you will need not decades, to Ukraine’s GDP and wages in Ukraine reached the level of 2013”, — says Alexander Okhrimenko.

He stressed that the people who came to power during the Maidan, just promise with three boxes, but quickly forgot their words. They just ruined the economy of the country. But to break, as you know, not to build. The recovery will do not one generation of Ukrainians. And not one century. To create and build will not be easy.

“And is it thus that no one from the authorities does not remember, nor the independence, nor the promises which sounded on the Maidan on the European salary. Ruin always easy. Here to create and build long and boring” — sums up the expert.

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