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Ukrainian doctors will soon be left without work

Украинские медики скоро останутся без работыIn the near future Ukraine plans to close about 30% of health facilities.

In Ukraine, close medical facilities instead of having to arrange the purchase of medicines and equipment. This was announced by the President of the Ukrainian Council of protecting the rights and safety of patients Viktor Serdyuk at a press conference in the news Agency, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to ГолосUA.

According to him, the number of medical institutions in Ukraine on the number of people exceeds the European indicators. So, if Ukraine 4.7 hospitals per 100 thousand population, in Spain this index is 2.78, while in Poland – 1,64.

As explained by V. Serdyuk, optimization of health facilities and a reduction of beds in hospitals can afford the Europeans with their level of medicine. The level of equipment, technology, provision of medicines allows clinics Poland, Spain and other countries more effectively to provide medical assistance.

In medical institutions of Ukraine, according to Vladimir Serdyuk, as a rule, very old medical equipment, and provision of medicines and often non-existent. So, in Ukraine, about 30% of foreign medicines in General, is not registered, and one-third of Ukrainians are not available, even those that have pharmacies.

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