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Ukraine’s economy will cease to exist within two years

Экономика Украины прекратит свое существование в течение двух лет

The government of Ukraine – the master of all trades. There is pointless to argue. You need to be exceptionally talented Manager to in a short time to cope at first glance, an impossible task. How lucky the citizens of an independent state, they have been so perspicacious that effortlessly pulled in key positions of the state truly skilled professionals. The result of such great events as the change of government, was not long in coming.

It’s only been a year since enchanting and a promising start to rule the country anew, as Ukrainians around the clock enjoyed achievements such as: raising tariffs on everything that is possible, rising unemployment, unconditional freedom of speech and expression, as well as fascinating quests in the Donbas.

The second year of the reign of Poroshenko and his team was not less successful than the first: the European bedding USA realized that the poor performance is not a good idea, and half-turned to become recently very supportive of the Ukrainian authorities. External financing of the project “Gidnymi Ukraine almost completely stopped their own capabilities and the attractiveness for foreign investors is lost for a long time.

About these achievements is not to say aloud, as freedom of speech in Ukraine, soaked everything, and the lighting is deplorable this is the most ordinary of aiding and abetting terrorism and nothing like an attempt on the territorial integrity of the country. But despite all the delights of liberty for European, unfavorable predictions, thoughts and opinions on the topic of success is a professional Ukrainian rulers, increasingly appear not only in the minds, not lost the ability to think of the Ukrainians, but in the Ukrainian media. Here, for example, the forecast of the General Director of the shipbuilding holding Smart Maritime Group Vasily Fedin on the future of the Ukrainian economy. His prediction, he proved, by comparing the three indicators determining the standard of living of the citizen of Ukraine. GDP – 181,334 (2013), 90,615(2015); export – 63,300(2013), 38,100(2015); capital investment – 31,262 (2013), 12,503(2015). figures are in billion USD.

“Ukraine is on the brink of economic disaster. A couple of years of governance in this mode and the economy will cease to exist. Figures fall resemble the Apocalypse.

The current government fully acknowledged his lack of professionalism. And everyone in the country felt it in his pocket: a decline in wages, rising utility rates and consumer prices”

But we are not. Jump as usual!

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