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Ukraine, with a noose around his neck

Andrey Uvarov

In Ukraine is gaining speed the process of self-destruction of statehood. The writers, who wrote the scenario of the last “European integration” of the revolution, not to draw conclusions from the “orange disgrace” 2004-2005, and most importantly – did not understand the essence of the political hamlet of Ukrainians, which is not able on their own to break the vicious circle of hatred of the Russian, its failure and the instinct of self-destruction.

Ukrainians, themselves, are not able to break this vicious circle – and therefore to make at least some steps in the field of state-building, Kiev is required to implement in the machine control dozens of foreign experts from Pashtuns and the Georgians, before the Balts and the Yankees. It would seem that such a significant rush of “fresh blood reformist” needs to improve though “Troshkov positive”. However, no changes in any direction, and it is obvious that “Ukraine Poroshenko is the most failed project of the West in the last hundred years.

Certainly part of the goals of the “Ukrainian project” achieved: completed the final destruction of the Soviet system on the borders with the Russian Federation formed “hot spots”. However, to establish control over the whole vast territory of the former Ukrainian SSR the organizers and executors of the project and did not work from the Ukraine, which were created by the organizers of the military coup, eliminated the Crimea, Donbass is no.

The destruction of the new regime and let sloppy invalid state institutions has led to the emergence of management alternatives and slender vertical of power. Individual regions (areas), still manage clans, oligarchs and nationalist groups, who are armed, pointedly ignoring the power and has already led to an ugly stigma.

The people of Ukraine – Ukrainians and Russian – knock down all the targets: Russia now enemy, the Soviet past finish Bandera mutants; Europe indifferently rejects the failed Ukrainian state; the IMF and the USA did not keep their promises. While in the West often speak about the necessity of normalization of relations with Russia, Kiev is increasingly publicly put in place.

And inside the broken half of the country’s crumbling production, falling living standards, rising unemployment. Ruling the country instigators of the Maidan demonstrated the political impotence: the killer who shot the “heavenly hundred”, not caught, corruption is not defeated, Donetsk is not taken and taken not. People lose perspective and most importantly – the meaning of life. “People expect that life will be better, but that didn’t happen. So mood changing, you can see the fatigue of the revolutions. Revolution does not solve anything, the country needs stability — think so 55.4% of the respondents. Only 6.6% of respondents believe that the goals of the Euromaidan have been achieved and the country has a prospect of successful development”, – said the expert of the Center for social studies “Sofia” Oleksandr Levtsun, presenting the results of sociological surveys. 20 million people (roughly as many actively or passively supported the Maidan) feel cheated and the West, and the government. And someone is already feeling guilty about “the slaughter Donbass”.

“Zrada” now pursuing Ukrainian literally. Here. which was, that she will give “the second breath of patriotism,” suddenly, seeing what is happening, began to disappoint shareware Ukrainians. Now she not only speaks of the need to stop the war, but actually calls to overthrow the regime. Savchenko today is a living monument of Ukrainian frustration. Political Ukrainians found themselves face to face with despair, and it reacts traditionally, the existential anxiety, the search of the enemy, aggression, which in terms of anarchy turns Makhnovshchina. The Makhnovshchina is a natural state of Ukrainians.

Today Ukrainians do not raise a rebellion already any promises of a bright future, as it was in 2004 and 2013. Protests be local, affecting only a specific object or separate territory. Even the war many have interpreted as “a personal matter Poroshenko supplying his army salary”. However, if a new boiler or will be declared a mass mobilization in the summer of 2014 there will be another riot. By the way, and Savchenko, hinting at the willingness of the people to revolution, also meant not independence, and rebellion. Independence technology is expensive and costly. Its rich, money does not give, and to foreigners he is now to anything. However, and the revolt, if it happens, will be hamlet. Bad, bloody, inconclusive, and farmstead.

Take the examples of recent “riots”: the events in Odessa around Antitrypanosomal Maidan”, “the amber war,” Lutsenko, the protest at the Prosecutor General’s office demanding the release of murderers of Elder, collision “volunteer battalions” and the police have Obolonsky district court in Kyiv. They all confirm the farm origin of the Ukrainian rebellion. The question is that such riots are becoming more and extinguish them more difficult. The national guard units scattered throughout Ukraine, and on the front they were sent is also possible to “quench the riots”. Forces is simply not enough.

Meanwhile, the aggression became the norm and has “saddled” the Ukrainian street. Daily reports appear of attacks, bombings, shootings. The interior Ministry is concealing the statistics, but we know that in 2015 compared with 2013, 100% increase in the number of crimes involving firearms, of 95.45% of crimes on racial and ethnic grounds, 56.1% – serious crimes, 50% of crimes against public safety, 25% of assaults. Society stunned by their own impunity, and the government cannot and does not want to punish. How long will the conflict the coexistence of the “radicals” and “moderates” are unknown, though clearly not for long.

And the impression that the country is wearing around his neck a noose and tries to balance on a rickety stool. Once did he fall…

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