Ukraine and eight other States will jointly build a highway Via Carpati. According to plans, the route will pass through the territory of Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey.
The idea is not new. It was first voiced ten years ago. In 2006, Geoana to participate in the construction expressed only four States this year — more than double the number.
The head of the Ministry of infrastructure and the construction of Poland Andrzej adamczyk said Choate today the project is more in demand, as European States seek to improve transportation infrastructure for more profitable international cooperation.
“European Nations declare all the possible actions in order to find sources of funding for this investment project. But above all, they recognized that this project needed to stimulate the economy of each of our countries,” said adamczyk.
According to him, the cost of building one kilometer of road should not exceed the average price in the EU.
When construction will start is still unknown, as to date still not resolved the question of investment.
We will remind, earlier it was reported that in the Kharkiv region SBU and Prosecutor’s office discovered on one of the state enterprises of road branch office forgery.As a result of criminal collusion, the state suffered damage at half a million hryvnias. This information informs the head of the press center of the SBU in the Kharkiv region Vladyslav Abdul.