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Ukraine is one big station. The great migration

Украина - один большой вокзал. Великое переселение


Just the other day in a queue in the savings Bank was faced with the following fact, unpleasant for the Kiev authorities – people are fleeing from Ukraine, with all haste. And go to Russia from all over the country the Square, some temporarily and some permanently. So, before me a Ukrainian citizen paid receipt for kindergarten with a certificate on temporary asylum. A little later in the branch of the Bank came a woman with a child, to transfer money to someone from relatives in the Ukraine, again with a Ukrainian passport. I don’t know, maybe this was the day that I met so many visual examples of what life makes people to leave Ukraine, maybe it is a matter of chance coincidence and nothing more. But something tells me that this is the true beginning of the great migration, the beginning of the complete disappointment of Ukrainians to their authorities and the beginning of a new life outside of war.

And the Exodus from the Ukraine celebrate Ukrainian publication, so, for example, writes the edition “Capital”:

“The queue for visas, queues at the borders. Ukrainians are leaving. To work, to do business, to study. And many people – forever. Travel workers, students, businessmen, scientists. Going women to marry a foreigner”.

Of course, few go to Russia: for example, Poland in 2015, has issued more than 800 thousand work permits, and 60 thousand Ukrainian students went to study in Polish Universities, Italy – 300 thousand permits went to Germany to study 25 thousand students. And this is only the data that publishes Ukraine itself. If we add to these figures the performance of other countries, the picture is the following: run the country, no matter what changes for the better the population does not hope, faith no more.

In General, over the border of Ukraine work 3-5 million Ukrainians. And as for Europe, where the workforce is needed, according to the expert on migration issues Maxim Savluk. If you compare the state as the main country of destination for long-term labour migrants, “rating” will look like this:

1. Poland – 22.5% of

2. Russia is 19.2%

3. Czech Republic – 18%

4. Italy – 15,7%

5. Germany – 3,2%.

And to escape out of the country, and preferably for a long period, citizens of Ukraine are trying by any means. Gay married? Why not. For comparison, in 2010, the registry Offices recorded up to a dozen marriages a year, and now the number reaches several hundred. Syria, Iraqi, canadian, Israeli, Turkish, Egyptian, Belgian, Spanish, Greek, Chinese, Irish, Australian, whatever.

Leaving make – money-business preregistered abroad, where the level of corruption is lower where a lot less of all sorts of checks, where the rules are simple – you pay your taxes, obey the law and live happily ever after.

Run scientists (and even talked about Russia, what we have there is a constant brain drain, do not argue, people often go abroad to work, but more and more people after most of these earnings have begun to return Home): 91-year Ukraine left 100 thousand scientists, that is, the total number of scientists in the country has decreased three times.

Yes, someone returned, but the permanent place of residence more and more people are trying to change. Go to Israel, Russia, USA and Germany (the most popular countries for relocation). According to ongoing polls, 65% of Ukrainians aged 14-35 years I want to go abroad and stay there, if not forever, then at least for a long time.

By the way, recently in St. Petersburg, the crane operator Tamara Pastukhov, who saved the workers in the WHSD on fire, has applied for Russian passports instead of Ukrainian. Next week, the heroine, was awarded the “honored road Builder of Russia”, has become a full-fledged citizen of the Russian Federation.

Not everyone is fortunate abroad, someone may never try a new life, someone is disappointed, returns home. So, at the end of January this year, Polish media reported that the Ukrainian citizens traveling to work directly in Poland are subjected to discrimination and humiliation. For example, in the city of Kutno seven people severely beat the immigrants from Ukraine. Some Ukrainians after the attack so frightened that he returned home.

But, anyway, the country is slowly, but surely, start to empty out. The expectation of the population authorities have not met, the output from them is one – to escape until it is too late. And if we visa to Europe will be cancelled, I’m afraid to imagine what the scale will migrate to Ukraine.

“Ukraine has turned into the station, where the Ukrainians are leaving the world. Someone will find themselves there, others don’t. But they are all ready on this desperate step, to leave their homeland because tired of waiting. People are willing to risk everything to at least try to try a different taste of life”.

Украина - один большой вокзал. Великое переселение

Eva Lisovskaya

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