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To the Congress of “elephants” you can come with weapons

На съезд "слонов" можно будет прийти с оружием

For the forthcoming Congress of the Republican party (“party elephant”) will come with firearms, but fail to bring water guns and soft drinks in metal cans and glass bottles. On Monday, July 4, reports The Independent.

The publication notes that in Ohio allow the open carrying of firearms, and this right cannot be taken away from residents of the state at the time of the Congress of the “elephants”, which will be held July 18-21. This circumstance is of serious concern to meeting participants who believe that large-scale event could become a terrorist target.

In the sports-concert complex, where will be the main contender for the post of Republican candidate Donald trump, prohibited the carrying of weapons. Guns and rifles to yourself can have only the employees of the U.S. Secret service.

Donald trump is the winner of inner-party race among Republicans. At the July Congress of the party should be formal approval of the candidate.

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