Home / Economy / To be a slave to the USA – it’s painful and unprofitable

To be a slave to the USA – it’s painful and unprofitable

To be a slave to the USA – it is painful and unprofitable. Alexander Rogers

Publication date: 20 Jun 2016, 09:00

While the Obama Administration is fooling the Europeans, causing them to suffer losses from anti-Russian sanctions, American companies are actively entering the Russian market.


Быть рабом США – это больно и убыточно


So the United States has risen from sixth to fourth place in the list of major trading partners of the Russian Federation (excluding former USSR countries). Their share in the total external trade of Russia has risen in the last three years from 2.9% to 4.1%, ahead of Poland and South Korea.


And the Russian export in the US is very diverse, and you can’t say he’s raw. In the structure of Russian exports and titanium, and jet engines for aircraft, “Lockheed Martin Corp”, and launch vehicles for launching earth satellites, and more.


American corporations not only buy Russian products, but also actively exploring the Russian market. So KFC in the past year, has opened nearly 200 restaurants, and McDonald’s opened in Russia its 500th restaurant and 2016 plans this year to open an additional 60. Other corporate networks Burger king not far behind.


While Europeans pay for their lack of sovereignty over 112 billion dollars (in the same amount of damages assessed the damage from anti-Russian sanctions and Russian counter-sanctions over the past year), the Americans quietly have captured the markets.


Particularly disappointing it would be for the Ukrainian Russophobes (if they had a brain to understand what’s going on), who to please his American hosts almost destroyed in two years its economy “in spite of the Muscovites”. But since the brain is not there, then they just continue to ride.


However, it should be noted that not all American corporations are well in Russia. The largest American banks Citigroup Inc. and Morgan Stanley lost most of their assets in Russia. The same applies to General Motors, which is also one of the pillars of the American economy. I don’t have enough information to say unambiguously is a result of the political will of the Russian leadership or simply current market situation.


Overall, while the puppets of the state Department of hauling for owners of the chestnuts out of the fire, suffering losses, the Americans, as usual, trying to extract from the situation the maximum profit. To be a slave to the USA – it is painful and unprofitable.


Alexander Rogers, special for News Front

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