Home / Policy / Times: the return of Savchenko to Ukraine threatens to play with Poroshenko cruel joke

Times: the return of Savchenko to Ukraine threatens to play with Poroshenko cruel joke

The correspondent of The Sunday Times mark Franchetti predicts a bright political future Hope Savchenko, which should soon be freed from Russian prison. According to experts, given the popularity of the Kiev Joan of Arc, she may well become the next President of Ukraine.

Times: возвращение Савченко на Украину грозит сыграть с Порошенко злую шутку

Nadezhda Savchenko is preparing for the release from a Russian prison, and her compatriots – to the return of the national heroine to their homeland, reports the Times reporter mark Franchetti. Moreover, some believe that it could become the next President of Ukraine.

Everyone is trying to get close to Savchenko, – leads edition of the words of the former adviser to the Ukrainian government. – Given its unique reputation, it in politics is like gold“.

It is expected that under the deal between the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, will be exchanged Savchenko on two Russian “volunteers” who were detained in the East of Ukraine. Petro Poroshenko promised to send a pilot for your private plane, but her return could backfire losing popularity to the President, if she decides to go into politics, suggests the author.

Very few people in the government realizes that if anything she will most likely turn against them all“- results the Times words of the former adviser. In turn, the lawyer Savchenko mark Feigin believes that all political games and speculations concerning his client look very strange. “As she repeatedly told me she has a very strong political beliefs and principles. She will not play games, “says mark Feigin.

According to Russian journalist Yulia Latynina, after Savchenko has been in Russian prison and showed “his coolness“that no one has such influence. “If she wants, I’m sure that the Ukrainian Joan of Arc could become President. It can become unstoppable“- quoted Latynina Times.

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