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Three threats, which at the time saved humanity, Stalin and now Putin saves

Три угрозы, от которых в свое время спас человечество Сталин и сейчас спасает Путин

Stalin was a dictator, bloody tyrant and eater of children, personally shot (well, sometimes, on occasion, in partnership with Beria) and rot in the GULAG of tens of millions of people. Putin “protects” the crooks and thieves in all state, municipal, and often private structures of Russia, and he receives from this completely unimaginable profits amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars and increasing from year to year exponentially. The mantra today everyone knows. And even if someone, say, doesn’t want to know – still have, for all information space today is built strictly anti-state liberal, what do not hesitate openly to declare the owners and developers of the largest electronic media resources.

It is impossible not to note that the “bloody dictator” and “atheist” Stalin rot in the GULAG significantly, and very significantly fewer people than rot in a prison system Catolico-Protestant-Mormon and to the teeth gnashing freedom-are universal in the USA. For example, under Stalin in prison every year he served his sentence in average, if the result of the averaged denominator for all the years of Stalin’s reign, about 1.6 million people. Really a lot, but still much less than 2.5 million in the current United States, in this hotbed of rocket and bomb democracy. Even with the population it appears that, in, say, a percentage of the total population, in the United States today sits much more people than in the Soviet Union under recognized “the cannibal” Stalin.

 Три угрозы, от которых в свое время спас человечество Сталин и сейчас спасает Путин

The annual turnover of the terrible corruption in Russia today (of course, personally, “kryshuemoy” Putin, at least so far no one has proved) is, according to various estimates, from 240 to 400 billion dollars – as is lost annually from the budget it is unclear where and unclear. Figures it would seem horrible, if not almost 30-fold superiority of these indicators over us the United States of America. Moreover, it should be noted that in the United States legalized the practice of lobbying political and corporate interests (in other words, bribes for adoption need a particular business laws), as well as the practice of “kickbacks” and “cuts” in the scientific-technical and educational spheres, traditionally placed in opposition to Russia. A multibillion-dollar shadow Putin’s operation is also not found found any, in the performance of the East Democrat Poroshenko.

Then what is the reason for this injustice against our country and its state power system? Why is the United States in the face of his leadership accuse us often of their own sins, and this despite the fact that the US-these sins are expressed, as a rule, significantly more pronounced and exaggerated?

In fact, the reason is simple: the United States as our sworn geo-strategic “partner” doesn’t need our statehood. At all. And strong – even more so. They and his the statehood of hate, considering it dangerous to globalist businesses, and our state – even more so. Well, right, but for her love? Yes, and how? So many hydrocarbons have is how many trillions of dollars out of the direct control, there is a much potential to capture the transnational and transcontinental management resource lost!

Well, before, 10-12 years ago, though the agreement on production section was (in fact 2 of the agreement from the original 262 and now remained, but that, in fact, a drop in the ocean). Yes, it is still unpleasant, of course, that failed for reliability razderbanit Russia into fifteen sovereign republics, but the economic consensus was then more or less acceptable, because operation with the Russian hydrocarbons will still be extremely profitable. But then hated because of his tenure “crook and thief Putin this shop closed down. Here’s our sworn partners” and regretted that in the 90s the fainthearted – and not given to the Russian republics as much sovereignty as they could swallow. Please note: this is not a game and not a joke, a stroke of a presidential pen by the permission or prohibition of agreements on the division of hydrocarbon production is the Western economies trillions of dollars, and Western policy – proportional to the loss of its planetary power domination.

Approximately the same situation was in the days of Stalin. Of course, then there were no agreements on production section, there were geopolitical doctrine Mackinder and Buchanan. Lenin came to power on a wave of Western support, and that of course, but he eventually stopped the intervention on all fronts. The Western world stood then in the future development, and Western elites more inclined to believe that the Russian state has finally come to an end. Well, you never know, well, kicked out the Germans, French, British and Japanese – well, it’s temporary. In the end, the state in its Imperial format is destroyed, and the West – hungry and angry, and even ideologically, uniform, soldered to the League of Nations. And when Lenin decided to organize a Soviet government in the format of a voluntary Union of republics, then and now the doubts have disappeared: as long as the Union is voluntary, that the Republic voluntarily (well, the volunteer force) can move into the sphere of imperialist interests. Transcaucasia, Central Asia – the most advantageous in relation to the resource regions. But there it was! After Lenin’s death to the actual power came Stalin, the “bloody tyrant”, which prevented the collapse of the country, which was legally enshrined in the Treaty on the formation of the USSR. That is, in actual fact, the situation was in fact exactly the same as now, under Putin. Historical disposition again, 80 years later, played, and played literally exactly to a tee.

We have to admit that Western civilization is inherently homogeneous. Yes, it has many trends, often conflicting, often even in the form of an implacable and hostile, but the sense of Western politicians is always the same: the seizure of territories, the seizure of natural resources, capture the market of slaves, the seizure of instruments of banking and financial controls. And, very importantly, all of this is done in exactly the same way – by undermining state authority, and how it is undermined – it is just a technological particular. But on matters of most of these particulars, there are three fundamental, strictly Western, currents: Trotskyism, fascism, and liberalism. They have not gone away since the time of its inception and execution. They bite into the us under Stalin, dig under Putin.

Trotskyism is the ideological and political movement, adherents who openly declare their hatred of the state and the desire of the state, to destroy. Under this desire, the Trotskyists organized the second international – the Fourth, the inspirer of which was actually Leiba Davidovich Bronstein-Trotsky, and the Fifth, the inspirer of which was the Argentine activist, of Trotskyism, Liborio Justo. Members of the data structures, as well as sympathetic to their activities, were and are tens and hundreds of prominent and unhappy with the state as a phenomenon of intellectuals, and, very curiously, almost all of these intellectuals from the American continent, and the vast majority – in fact from the United States of America.

In principle, the ideology of Trotskyism was a utopia, a utopia yet remains. The political weight of the Trotskyists are very low, their target audience is offended on life, and the heads of intellectuals who profess individualistic values and may be willing to pooriginalnichat. Can these guys bring to power something politically viable? Doubtful, very much so. But it is. The more it will spin up a wave of hatred towards the state, and indeed to the social order, the more will strengthen the positions of Trotskyism and Trotskyists.

Under Stalin, their position was much stronger than it is now, the Trotskyists then really threatens our national integrity and state security. In our time, the Trotskyist one, and call them in any way, so even Putin has no reason to oppose anything that the misfits. But a few years – and the reason it may appear. In any case, the problem of Trotskyism is not solved by the breakout of the skull of Trotsky, and soon Trotskyist problem runs the risk of being reanimated, to stretch to his full height and loudly to declare itself. They would, with their ideology of social and state destruction, it is desirable should be eradicated, but until then, like as not give a reason, and we have, as you know, ideological pluralism. But if you give, it will be seen that as to do with them.

Fascism is the ideology of exclusivity (nation, race, state, any other community) and paramilitary opposition to their ideology and the rest of the world. Fascism is now fashionable to separate from Nazism. In principle, of course, you can find the differences between German national socialism, Italian fascism and Japanese doctrine Kokutai. But if you highlight the grain of these trends, it is absolutely identical and just as a penny is a perception of itself as exceptional and the desire by all means to destroy all those who do not belong to this exclusivity.

Fascism also received nourishment from a purely Western sources, but this time not only ideological-informational and financial-industrial (well, except maybe the Japanese state system Kokutai). The owners of dozens of transnational corporations, abundant and overt levavcha huge funds in the German national socialism and Italian fascism, to avoid responsibility after the defeat of the axis. Avoided absolutely: on the Nuremberg bench was not William Durant, neither Krupp nor Keeley nor Henry Ford nor anyone else from this noble and influential company. Moreover, those corporations still continue with impunity, and to prosper, and the farther the more prosperous the more politic. That is why fascism, when the Declaration of centralization and national-ideological unity, in fact is purely anti-state doctrine, subordinate to the interests of the corporations monopoly, is not interested in a truly strong and independent state.

Today fascism is mostly not national and not personal-exceptional. There is, of course, and skinheads and neo-Nazis and national-anarchists, armed with American bikers, and indeed there is only one. But still it is in General marginal, not doing as of today, the geopolitical weather.

Today’s fascism – mainly the extremist-religious. DAISH (ISIS) is, in essence, not differ from various military and police units of the fascist regimes in the 20s-40s. The difference is only one, and it’s purely cosmetic: DAISH (ISIS) is preaching pseudo-religious exclusiveness, fascism, Nazism and Kokutai – national, state, ideological and whatever else. By the way, the doctrine of religious exclusivity fascism of the 20s-40s are also not averse, just don’t give importance to religious exclusivity as such. In short, Islamist extremism is the most successful to date, the format of the fascism of the XXI century.

As defeated fascism Stalin – we all are well aware. As the winner of pseudo-religious fascism of the XXI century Putin – we are also seeing – as in the example of Syria and the example of his own North Caucasus. Apparently, fascism is meaningless to defeat the word, it is necessary to break the ridge and through the knee, and the sooner the better. Stalin coped successfully. Putin is like too cope.

And finally, the worst for humanity the threat – liberalism. But this complete and total global petrodollar dictatorship of capital disguised as “personal freedom” and “human values”. Liberals categorically against the state. Well, no, not that so-and still against it, eliminate it, they just did not want to. But they are against the ruling of the state. From the point of view of liberalism, the state is the mass of worthless and practically organized clerks, whose function is restricted solely to documentary paper the functioning of the petrodollar capital, as well as to eliminate all formal and legal obstacles to the spread of political influence of the capital in the globe.

Why liberalism is the greatest threat? Yes, because he under the specious mask of personal comfort holds is not a plausible idea of the financial and economic slavery, which in practice is much more terrible and shameless than any class-caste slavery.

Liberalism seeks in one fell swoop to capture all the economic, political and information resources and levers, and the liberal system and practice is built so that most liberalism, it turns out. Remember the story of 1946-1949 years, when brilliant American financier Bernard Baruch actively promoted the idea of the atomic developments, the international structure, which through the us administration and through the American special services have to be controlled EN masse all the developments in the field of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons.

In this case it would be superfluous to recall that three American presidents (Wilson, Roosevelt and Truman) were brought to power with the active financial, political and informational support of the Bernard Baruch personally. That is, in fact, all three of the US President to be chief clerks. Financier, controlling nuclear power, all nuclear weapons on the planet. Yes, Hitler and next to him the bug. Would have been, if not for Stalin’s veto that saved the world from domination, in fact, one of the financier-tyrant. By the way, in the world only Stalin had dared, then, to resist a blatant lunge of the American financier. Only Stalin has blocked the “Baruch plan”, thereby safeguarding the world from the likely apocalyptic consequences of American liberalism.

The Stalinist economic model and the state won model of the liberal imperialist. Won as through effective and centralized planning and economic management, and by a political commitment by Stalin personally.

As for Putin, he is the war against liberalism is losing. Though not outright, though not a knockout, but on points, but still loses, and loses considerably. And this is illustrated by the presence of a purely liberal economic bloc in our Government.

Until Putin is forced to oppose liberalism cooperation with a unit of the Pacific rim countries, the format of the EAEU and an active Russian foreign policy, but still this is not enough for victory in battle with such a powerful monster, which is liberalism. Apparently, to deal effectively with liberalism, either in the format of the Stalinist model, or the format of the current Chinese model, with the second one, it would probably be preferable).

And in order to even begin to antiliberalism necessary in the first place, “cleaning” economic unit, with the subsequent alignment of domestic sovereign economy. The problem, apparently, is extremely difficult, especially given the fact that our people are not eager to lend in this matter promoting the President through Chinese hell of productive labor. So the solution to the problem of defeating the third evil, liberalism, yet postponed indefinitely. But to stand under the powerful liberal attacks until that, too, and relatively painless. I want to believe that will happen – until then, until it is found and applied an effective antidote.

You need to understand that all three of the above threats concern not only us but the whole world, all mankind. Trotskyism openly declares global anti-state revolution, fascism – world-military-police-terrorist domination (between the lines – in the interests of industrial corporations), liberalism on globalization, that is also, essentially, about world domination, but financial-monetarist. The object of the impact of all three sects – all, without exception, the world. And to protect the world from those threats had, have and will have us and only us. Why? Yes, in fact Eurasian location and in fact the presence of abundant quantities of mineral resources, which are eager for the owners of each of these three ideological-political paradigm, speakers are only instruments of Western civilization in its post-modern format.

What do we need to do? Yes, in the first place, what are so afraid of the representatives of the aforementioned three trends, these lovers of fish in troubled waters, we need a vertical power structure, totally subordinating the interests of business, effective law enforcement system and strong army. It is the Foundation of effective resistance, everything else is uratowanie particular details. Yet what kept moderately confident. Over the past three years only sanctions, Ukraine and the Olympics, we’re a bit screwed. It is almost nothing.

For the past more than 60 years, the global format is built to primitivism simple. There is a force (in the face of US and world banking-financial-hydrocarbon oligarchy) that is configured for the destruction of the state itself, and consequently the smearing along the wall of the individual as such, is the power (in the person of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin) that is configured to preserve the nation and personal values, which in actual fact the phenomenon is unthinkable outside the state and outside the state protection and care. Destructive power (the same as in the days of Stalin) is a three-headed serpent, and his head – just like before – Trotskyism, fascism, and liberalism. But the strength of this one.

Putin is opposed to this destructive force in the face three threats-manifestations, not because he’s all remarkable, and Stalin was opposed not because he is a brilliant leader or “bloody tyrant”, but simply banal because no resistance to this most destructive force we’re dead. Then the country without Stalin would be the end, and after his death, and perhaps death, this is the end and came – though relatively slowly, but inevitably. Now without Putin or the leader like Putin the end of our country. And expressed our historic end not thugs on the streets of Russian cities, and that the Russian President will be elected any Hillary Clinton or any black Democrat, in the landslide victory for our still sovereign territory of one of the three above ideologies, threats, and unconditional surrender of the ideology of the state.

In General, history is repeated and repeated almost entirely. And that means only the fact that Putin today is not smaller responsibility, than that which was in his time Stalin. In particular, and this also cannot be ruled out, and in the matter of determination of measures

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