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These products contribute to the appearance of the delicate problems in the gut

Эти продукты способствуют появлению деликатной проблемы в кишечникеThere is a list of foods causing flatulence.

Flatulence is one of the most unpleasant side effects of malnutrition and the gastrointestinal tract. Flatulence in humans is observed bloating, excess flatulence, and sometimes abdominal pain. This deviation is accompanied by malaise, discharge of gases, which makes the stay in the community uncomfortable.

Causes of flatulence:

1. Swallowing of air while eating. Most often, this affects people who can’t shut up at the table, chewing food with your mouth closed and breathe through the nose.

2. Hurry. If the person does not eat and throws everything he sees in front of him, in the mouth, it is not surprising if in a few hours it will swell the stomach and will depart Gaza.

3. Love to sodas, often has negative consequences, namely the development of flatulence.

4. Eating foods that are “heavy” carbohydrates. These products are long to digest in the gut, then begin to wander and provoke the appearance of symptoms of flatulence.

5. Irregular bowel. By itself, constipation suggests that the person eats properly and his diet is not enough food, which would positively affect the metabolism. Thus a large amount of food simply rotting or decomposed in the intestine by bacteria. Hence the bloating and gas.

To prevent the occurrence of flatulence it is important not only to adhere to the rules of nutrition, but also the maximum to reduce the number of used products of the following:

1. Sodas. At least, you should try to release the maximum amount of gas out of the bottle and then drink its contents.

2. Varieties of cabbage. In whatever form you did not cook the cabbage, it tends to “wander”, but that is no reason to abandon the use of one of the most useful vegetables. Try to eat it separately from carbohydrate foods, not to know what the flatulence.

3. Fruit. The most dangerous from the point of view of occurrence of flatulence include: apples, pears and peaches. Again, it is not necessary to undermine your body of vitamins and useful micronutrients, eliminating from the diet of these fruits. You need to chew each piece, try not to open your mouth while eating and also eat them as a snack and no more than 2-3 fruits a day.

4. Legumes. Beans, peas and other varieties of beans longer to digest and getting into the digestive tract, they immediately begin to wander.

5. Wheat bread and sweet pastries can cause not only flatulence, and weight gain, when consumed in unreasonable quantities.

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