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These houseplants have a positive impact on human health

Эти комнатные растения оказывают позитивное влияние на здоровье человекаFind out what houseplants can create a home not only beauty and comfort but also to benefit their health.

When buying houseplants, we mostly think about how they will fit into our interior, as with their help it is possible “to close” error repair and create a cozy atmosphere in the house. In fact, the main function of houseplants to clean the air of toxins, pathogenic microorganisms, to supply it with oxygen. In addition, they are designed to calm the nerves, improve mood and strengthen the immune system and also protect you from breathing disease. The purified air is beneficial to the condition of our skin, hair and mucous membranes. Find out what houseplant is to buy to get the greatest benefit.

1. Geranium
Geranium uspokaivaet and improves sleep, freshen the air. Houseplant geranium contains substances that destroy viruses and bacteria, relieves fatigue and improves mood, prevents the development of depression.

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2. Dwarf lemons and oranges
These plants emit volatile substances that suppress the action of pathogenic germs. They are very useful to keep in the bedroom and in the nursery, because these plants contribute to the prevention of viral infections.

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3. Eucalyptus
Also a great choice for the bedroom. The substances secreted by these plants, reduce the number of pathogens in the air by almost half. They also relaxes smooth muscles of bronchi and eliminate spasms, so in areas where they grow, much easier to breathe. These useful plants are especially useful for asthmatics and people prone to respiratory disease. Any ENT diseases with this plant will be leaking faster and easier to pass.

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4. Ficus
Perfectly cleanses the air of toxins. The aspidistra leaves hold large amounts of dust. Flower will help to humidify the air and saturate it with oxygen. Many keep it in the kitchen.

Эти комнатные растения оказывают позитивное влияние на здоровье человека

5. Dwarf garden chrysanthemums
The fragrance of the flowers and leaves of this plant improves the mood, has a tonic effect, povyshaet health and vitality. They will give you the opportunity to cheer up and not MOPE.

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6. Aloe
Night aloe releases oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide, so it is the place in the bedroom. And it removes the electrification in the apartment. Always good to keep aloe on hand.Aloe juice helps for headaches and colds, heals wounds.

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7. Hamedoreya
Able to absorb various toxic substances contained in the air. Especially useful is a houseplant in homes situated near the tracks, as chamaedorea neutralizes benzene,removes the heavy impurities.

Эти комнатные растения оказывают позитивное влияние на здоровье человека

8. Chlorophytum
This is a useful room rattie absorbs some toxic substances, including sulfur and nitrogen compounds, formaldehyde. For apartments in the city is idealnoe plant.

Эти комнатные растения оказывают позитивное влияние на здоровье человека

Don’t forget that almost all plants consume oxygen at night, so abuse them in a small or unventilated room is not worth it. In addition, some plants may receive Allergy.

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