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These creatures are not afraid of the end of the world. Photo

Этим существам не страшен Конец света. Фото They perfectly adapt to any conditions.

Our planet is home to millions of species of living creatures. Surprisingly, 99% of ever species have already become extinct. According to experts, the Earth has entered a sixth period of mass extinction of representatives of the biosphere. But some forms of life are not afraid of the end of the world, today we will talk about them.

15. The devil’s worm

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This species of nematode was opened only 5 years ago. Devil worms live at a depth of 3.6 km, are resistant to high temperatures, survive even at 48 °C and in conditions of extremely low oxygen levels.

14. Drosophila fruit

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This kind of fruit fly lives quietly, even where the level of radiation reaches 64000 glad. While for humans the lethal dose is 10,000 rad!

13. Scorpio

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Scorpions live on Earth for 430 million years, having survived several mass extinction periods. These arthropods have a high resistance to radiation and perfectly adapt to new conditions, are found on all continents except Antarctica. Scorpions can slow down their metabolism and survive without food for about a year.

12. Immortal jellyfish

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Jellyfish live in the seas and oceans for 500 million years. Moreover, among them there are special species – Turritopsis Nutricula, which is considered to be the only immortal on the planet. This jellyfish can turn into a young individual and is able to repeat this cycle countless times.

11. Himalayan spider-racer

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Dwells at extreme altitudes greater than 6705 meters above sea level. Is able long to go without food, tolerates the cold and low atmospheric pressure.

10. Braconid

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Braconid lay their eggs in other insects. Fortunately, bite and infect they just agricultural pests. These insects can survive the radiation levels 180000 happy!

9. Plastinki

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These beetles inhabit Canada and Alaska, can survive at a temperature of 150 °C. And all thanks to the special protein and glycerol, which do not allow blood to crystallize.

8. Lingulata

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Lingulata – the only creatures that survived all five mass extinction periods. They’ve experienced 99% of all species that have ever existed on Earth. So they are not afraid even Armageddon.

7. Pompei worm

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These worms live on the bottom of the ocean, great feeling when the temperature is 60 °C or higher at a certain pressure. The body of this animal is covered with a special bacteria that serve as a protection from overheating.

6. The Fish Mummichog

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This fish can survive in almost any environmental conditions that are not able to live other organisms. Adapting to the new conditions in the body of the fish through the genes may even change slightly in appearance.

5. Amoeba

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The simplest form of life, resistive to radiation. The amoeba can enter into sleepy mode, wrapping in a protective layer and remain in this condition for an indefinite period of time. They reproduce quickly and asexually.

4. Cockroach

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Cockroaches are known for their survivability. They are able to survive the radiation of 10,000 rad, the same amount of radiation radiated by the bomb in Hiroshima. The ability of cockroaches to survive due to slow growth rate. Their cells are reproduced every 48 hours, which reduces the risk of mutations.

3. People

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People are also able to perfectly adapt to even the most adverse conditions. Confirmation – arrival from Africa to the Arctic. Perhaps we can even survive a nuclear war. Existing bombs can wipe off the face of the Earth, but this is unlikely, as people around the world.

2. Tardigrades

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Invertebrates no larger than 1.5 millimeters. Under adverse conditions, they are capable of years to fall into a state of suspended animation, and under favourable conditions – that’s pretty fast to revive. Stand staying in for 20 months in liquid oxygen at -193 °C, eight hours of cooling with liquid helium to -271 °C; heating up to 60-65 °C for 10 h and to 100 °C for one hour. Dose of 570,000 roentgens kills about 50% of irradiated animals (lethal dose for man is 500 roentgens).

1. Bacteria Deinococcus Radioduran

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This bacterium has the ability to repair damaged DNA. Is one of the most resistant to radiation of organisms in the world. Already developed ways of using Deinococcus radiodurans in bioremediation of radioactively dysfunctional sewage.

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