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The Washington Times: George Soros funds unrest in the United States

The Washington Times: Джорж Сорос  финансирует беспорядки в США

Marvelous are thy works of the Lord, even 12-15 years ago, George Soros financed the collapse of Russia, then Middle East, Ukraine, and today it finances the collapse of the US?

Here is what Monetary policy (http://monetary-policy.livejournal.com/profile” target=”_self” rel=”nofollow”>The Washington Times: Джорж Сорос  финансирует беспорядки в СШАhttp://monetary-policy.livejournal.com/” target=”_self” rel=”nofollow”>monetary_policy): As everyone knows, in Charlotte (North Carolina) last week raging the riots caused by the killing of local black cops. Gopnik took to the streets and began to destroy everything. And if you believe the police Department in Charlotte, 70% of muggers are not local, but came from other cities. What does it mean? This means that the riots are organized. The question arises — who is behind the organization of the riots?

The Washington Times: Джорж Сорос  финансирует беспорядки в США

Blog Zerohedge claims that the riots should George Soros. Zerohedge cites the documents published on DCLeaks.com after hacking non-governmental organization Open Society Foundation (OCF). OCF was founded and funded by Soros. From documents follows that the OCF has funded a number of extremist organizations in the United States, in particular BlackLiveMatters (hereinafter BLM). The BLM fights for the rights of blacks in the United States and is known that is behind the organization of various protest actions.

A year and a half ago during similar riots in Ferguson (Missouri) newspaper the Washington Times has accused Soros in the organization of the riots. So it’s not a precedent. Ferguson riots also took place after the death of black Michael brown.

George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action

Liberal billionaire gave at least $33 million in one year to groups that emboldened by activists

The Washington Times: Джорж Сорос  финансирует беспорядки в США

The original http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/14/george-soros-funds-ferguson-protests-hopes-to-spur/

In that article, The Washington Times, citing tax reporting OCF, argued that Soros has invested 33 million dollars in organizing riots in Ferguson.


When is The Washington Times interviewed CEO OCF K. Zimmerman, who had the courage to confirm that the OCF since the early 90s funded organization, standing (according to The Washington Times) for the organization of the riots in Ferguson. Zimmerman naturally denied any direct involvement of their activists in the riots.


Journalistic investigation by The Washington Times very detailed. It lists the names of people and names of organizations, svativsky Gopnik in Ferguson.

Zerohedge in a series of his posts on this topic lists a number of non-governmental funds (Center for American Progress, the Ford Foundation, Borealis Philanthropy) that Fund public organization fighting for the rights of black people. Zerohedge also drew attention to the fact that all the incidents of black deaths at the hands of police is no accident in the last 2-3 years have been actively disseminated through the media. Previously, these stories in the media do not fall, and all was quiet. Now the situation has changed fundamentally.

The Washington Times: Джорж Сорос  финансирует беспорядки в США

Thought Zerohedge is trying to convey is simple. That a certain group of oligarchs tries to move to his native soil those technologies that are still successfully used around the world — technology of organization of public protests. And that means the us elite is split, and the war began. Zerohedge claims that Soros wants to reformat the United States.

In short — 1917-th year came to the United States.

The Washington Times: Джорж Сорос  финансирует беспорядки в США

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