1901: fever, 1907 – smallpox, 1909 –polio, then the herpes. Not too many viruses for one relatively small planet? Once scientists have noticed a frightening regularity that it was in the early 1900’s, our planet was literally fired cosmic bodies: meteorites, comets and so on. Perhaps, between the downs and outbreaks of deadly diseases there is a connection?
For example, before in 1909 the crowds knocked polio, the planet fell hundreds of small meteorites. The weight of the largest of them was equal to 53 kg, and found him in Mexico. In 1911 on Australia has dropped a huge metal meteorite whose weight was more than 20 tons. Oddly enough, but it was the year after the fall of the meteorite discovered the rous sarcoma. Moreover, even in medieval times people used to say: when flying by the comet, waiting for the next outbreak of plague
The sad experience of the Hero of the USSR cosmonaut A. Serebrova (employee of space station MIR)
It is a professional cosmonaut saw dozens of falling space objects from space, but rather from the side of the old orbital space station MIR. By the way, her silver went four times, he came out into the open space about 10 times. One of his expeditions had unintended consequences. The astronaut didn’t expect that from him this could happen…
Serebrov remembered the terrible incident by the minute. As soon as he came on Board the orbital research station, he saw the equipment and the spacesuits left over from former crew members. Serebrov had to work with this equipment, as he held the position of avionics engineer. It was expected by the next staff mission: to prepare the equipment for open space. Opening the regular suit, he noticed a strange green dust that literally spilled onto the astronaut. A. Serebrov commented:
Imagine, you open the suit from the back (there was a “door”), and from it falls a strange greenish smoke.
By the way, if this happened on earth, the dust would quickly opal on the floor, since it is gravity. In outer space on Board the space station there is no gravity, so the smallest particles of dust there elusive. When silver looked inside the suit, he saw a layer of green mold. It was easy to see that she was the source of dust. Mold and dust tried to collect in the dust bag. The remaining traces inside the spacesuit wiped out the entire crew with the help of improvised means. This incident alarmed the astronauts, but TSUP told them not to worry and to continue to operate in the normal mode. A week later, the crew noticed that the water at the station changed its taste. In addition, within a World formed an unpleasant smell, which did not exist before. Silver gave to the guide:
This water to drink is unreal, she has a strange suspicious smell. Let us change the tank.
Unfortunately, to do this Serebrova not allowed, then he and other members of the crew decided to fix the problem on their own. The culprits of the deterioration of water he seemed to be the filters that he was going to replace. Then the astronauts dismantled the column and water tank, and then noticed the malfunction in the pump. The pump defect was repaired, but it did not help. Someone of the crew suddenly noticed a strange yellow grains in the filter. Silver blew it and noticed that on the ends there are some strange pieces of something. I stuffed the wire into the filter, the astronaut pulled out of him half meter (!) the worm of unknown species. The worm was fairly active, poisonous-yellow with brown dots. Appearance he more resembled a snake.
It is easy to imagine what astronauts have experienced from what I have seen. Especially nasty for them was the realization that the water they drank a week. An unknown creature is clearly of alien origin was fine in the tank with drinking water aboard the space research station.
Of course, the team informed of what has happened in the MCC. The management of the centre decided to immediately return the crew to Earth, as they needed urgent medical examination.
Meanwhile, the alien infection is perfectly developed in a space station. One of the bacteria has mutated into a five-foot slug, which was mentioned earlier, and very quickly. Others began gradually to break the orbital station. Broke down one by one important the devices space station and the astronauts were forced to endure and wait.
Comment regarding the above situation, Natalya Novikova – doctor of biological Sciences, the employee of the Russian Academy of Sciences:
On the space station MIR was observed breakdown of the switching connection. When the device is delivered on the ground, we opened it and found inside a previously unknown greenish mould lying thick and extensive, dense coating. Then the space station went out of order and other devices, in particular, to prevent fire sensor and smoke alarm devices.
Because of these serious problems inside of the World was dangerous, because at any moment could ignite the devices. The astronauts sent to Earth worm was found, about which, unfortunately, nothing more was reported. Authorities, as usual, was concealed from the public important information. In any case, it is known that extraterrestrial living organism investigated.
Silver felt physical weakness before flew away from the station. He was constantly sick, he was dizzy and rode the pressure, for several days the spaceman had high temperature.
By the way, even on extant photographs show that some elements of the internal design of the World is covered with mold, as discussed in this article. This is the consequences of the event that occurred with Cerebrovas. For anybody not a secret that now the space station was literally falling to pieces. Also now it is not difficult to guess why this happened. Serebrova and other team members are not told about what was seized the worm and the mold, the samples which they brought to Earth. Serebrov said the government simply didn’t want to scare them.
Mysterious alien illness Serebrova
When the cosmonaut returned to Earth, the strange symptoms of his disease began to worsen. He started severe pain in the abdomen, constant nausea, weakness, because of which he simply could not live a full life. Doctors shrug, unable to determine what this disease is. An unknown infection was literally destroying the body of the astronaut. Silver commented:
In the medical school of Gamaliel I’ve filled Petri dishes. The Professor said, You have intestinal yeast infection, but we can’t determine what. We don’t know of such an infection. What has got into Your body, is a mutant.
The fate of the infected station
The MIR space station in 2001, dumped in the Pacific ocean. Representatives of the PMU stated that the threat to our planet that it is not, so how was a kind of heat treatment during passage through the earth’s atmosphere. Whether so it actually? Even biologists have admitted that are unable to study until the end of the alien ability of a mutant virus. But if this bug has survived in the flooded station? To this question the experts simply refuse to answer, and can not, because don’t know the answer. Serebrov said the station did was wrong. It was necessary first to explore an unknown space disease, and only after that to throw the WORLD into an acceptable environment for her (as you know, the worm has developed in the water). A. Serebrov suffered from an unknown disease until death. He died 12.11.13.