Home / Business / The stars of “suicide Squad” responded to criticism of the film

The stars of “suicide Squad” responded to criticism of the film

The third movie in the expanded DC cinematic universe – “suicide Squad” – a few days ago launched worldwide. Shortly before the picture was shown to journalists and film critics who didn’t like it. As in the case with Batman V Superman: dawn of justice”, which was released this spring, according to observers, “suicide Squad” turned out to be very much “crumpled” and the characters “cardboard”. Fans of action stars did not agree with them.

The stars of “suicide Squad” responded to criticism of the film

The situation with the “suicide Squad” almost exactly the same as what happened after the release of “Batman V Superman: fans pleased with the result, and critics of the film for several reasons did not like. And it is not clear who is to blame: the Studio, which is seeking to quickly catch up and overtake the competitor (MARVEL and their “Avengers”), film Director, screenwriter, or simply did not happen.

Jay Hernandez, who plays the villain El Diablo, in an interview with Digital Spy admitted that he is extremely upset about what had happened:Upset with the situation. I think it sucks. It is obvious that we have worked on a painting, I put into her soul and tried to give the fans exactly what they wanted to see.”
Movie trailer “suicide Squad”
In our country, “suicide Squad” on the first day set a record – at the end of 4 August, the movie earned 268 million rubles and was ahead in the ranking of the most grossing launches in the entire history of the Russian comic-Thriller “Iron man 3” of MARVEL studios.

JUEL kinnaman, embodied on the screen Rick Flaga, in an interview with Digital Spy, explained that “suicide Squad” was filmed in the first place, for the audience:of Course, really like to see the critics liked the movie, but we did it primarily for the fans. And we are really proud of the result, we liked to work on it. During the filming of “Detachment” we have really bonded, and the film is the result of our efforts. I really hope that fans will appreciate”.
The report from the “film industry” about the film “suicide Squad”
In the United States cautiously predict that for the first weekend of “suicide Squad” will earn $140 million or more. Starting day brought the picture of the $60 million it is Expected that the film is directed by David Ayer will be able to circumvent the action movie “Deadpool”, which start in February showed excellent results in the first weekend – $134,2 million

Will Smith, embodied on the screen Deadshot, commented to news Agency Reuters:Expectations of different people are different, but I’m glad that the fans also have the opportunity to speak.
Movie trailer “suicide Squad”
According to the portal Boxofficemojo, the creation of a “suicide Squad” Studio Warner Bros. invested $175 million Plus tens of millions spent on the marketing campaign.

In an interview with Reuters Cara Delevingne – Enchantress – admitted that reviews from critics it was upset:Critics are just awful, and their reviews are really terrible. You know, I think that they just don’t like superhero movies”.
Movie trailer “suicide Squad”
Despite the fact that most of the viewers like the movie, many still waiting for news about the appearance of the uncut version of the story. As in the case with the picture of “Batman V Superman: dawn of justice”, which a few months after the premiere got an extended 30 minute version, there was a chance that the main problems with the “crumpled” storyline has run its course.

However, in an interview with Collider explained by Director David Ayer, the version of “suicide Squad”, which is demonstrated now in theaters, is directing:I Have to confess that during the installation, we lost about ten minutes of material. But that version of the movie that you saw in the movie – my version. There is no other uncut version of the film. The most difficult decision you have to make during installation – after writing the script and shooting period. You like all that removed, the scene can be amazing, but making movies is a sort of dictatorship, not democracy. And just because shot scene looks cool, doesn’t mean that she’ll eventually get into the final.
Movie about the filming of “suicide Squad”
There are rumors that the Studio decided to still ReWire the film to make it more like those trailers, which attracted the attention of the audience to the “suicide Squad”.

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