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The sanctity of the battle of the Cowshed

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Not randomly, not accidentally Poroshenko regime prohibited publication and importation of certain kinds of printing products. I don’t know if in the black list, the essay of George Orwell’s “Animal farm”, but the Parallels with the “euromaidan” more than clearly.

“Animal farm” was written in 1945 as a parody of totalitarianism of the Stalinist period. The author died in 1950 and did not see the achievements of the Soviet era (human flight into space, of exploring the Arctic, etc.). Who knows: he tarry longer, perhaps, his position softened. The “euromaidan” to the level of the Soviet economy, which whatever it was, could not be reached. Ukraine eats the remains of the Soviet legacy, and read Orwell fanatics “euromaidan” would be very helpful.

“Animal farm” by George Orwell about the rise of the cattle, who wanted to have a hearty and sweet to drink, and decided to expel from the farm of a human-exploiter – farmer Jones.

“You cow, how many thousands gallons milk have given you over the past year? And where did it go…? All to the last drop, drank our exploiters! And you hens, how many eggs were laid, hatched and how many of them Chicks?…To make and in pain to give birth to offspring… what in return, except the stall and pitiful handouts?”, – excited crowd of ambitious old pig named Major.

Other pigs, sheep, sheep, chickens and other cattle have heeded calls to the old pigs, were expelled from the farm people and lived in anticipation of the sweet times. And the place in the barn, killing one stupid sheep during clashes with farmer Jones planted a Bush of hawthorn and turned into an object of worship. Very pompous battle called the Battle of the Cowshed and released the medal “Animal courage” to be awarded special honors.

You do not like slogans such as “euromaidan” of well-fed European future of Ukraine, chanting “revolution gdnet”, a cult of the stupid sheep of the Heavenly hundred and a medal for participating in the “euromaidan”?

On the occasion of the victory over man was composed the hymn “the Cattle home, cattle disenfranchised”. This is a parody of the anthem of Ukraine with his minor-key howls that “has not yet perished”, and “zginut our vorozhenki”.
Dorval to power, the pigs made all the cattle every day to sing “the Cattle home, cattle disenfranchised” with or without cause. This song has drowned out criticism of any who dared to doubt the correctness of the chosen pigs of course.

And by that time, I must say, the animals suddenly noticed that cow’s milk continues to disappear, as with the previous owner. It turned out that the milk drinking pig. And eat all the apples in the garden.

In order to calm the outrage in the community, pig press Secretary admonishes the crowd: “Do you think that we, the pigs, looking for benefits and privileges? …We are engaged in heavy mental work. Organization of production, management issues – everything is on us. Night and day we care about your well-being. For you we drown in the milk, for you choke on those apples. Or do you want to come back time Jones?”.

If not in such a style artistbut Ukrainian politicians frightening citizens by the return of an era of Yanukovych in case of their removal from power? And the people’s milk to choke! choke, just like the pigs in “Animal farm”.

All plans for improving life on the farm pigs-the rulers failed. All was immediately accused escaped from the farm boar Cicero, the rival of the new ruler of the farm boar Napoleon. Rats, mice and other small pests have been declared agents of Cicero. Even the destruction of the mill hurricane was attributed to the machinations of Cicero. People from neighbouring farms were accused of supporting the exiled Cicero. The day is not passed to Napoleon accused him publicly in sabotage against independent Barnyard.

But the cattle wanted to eat, and organizational skills Napoleon was not that good. He was ordered to sell 400 eggs to save a little money: “Let this sacrifice inspire our chickens, and we will not forget their personal contribution…” – said Napoleon. “With chickens became hysterical… to Pick up their eggs with their chicken point of view, was tantamount to infanticide”.

Funny, but the Ukrainian nurse, like the simple Corydalis Orwell, dutifully give their Chicks to slaughter in the area of so-called “ATO”, hlopenko batting her eyelashes, and believing in stories about a Russian invasion!

In “Animal farm” Napoleon and his servants went to sleep in the house, though, raising a rebellion, said the animals, which sleep in the houses of the exploiters. The rest of the cattle had to come to terms with this situation. Everyone who dared to criticize Napoleon aloud, tore to pieces in true Napoleon dogs.

In Ukraine, the same thing happens. Fled from Mariupol Lily Bolbat, Ukrainian volunteer of the ATO. At first she, like Orwell’s sheep, support the Ukrainian Battle of the Barn (that is to say, “euromaidan”), and then, seeing who came to power through, including her personal stupidity, began to criticize yesterday’s “heroes.” “Heroes” has threatened to kill Bolbat.

Dogs Poroshenko, Avakov dogs, dogs Lutsenko, dogs Tyahnybok – Ukraine has turned into a kennel where doubting the Holiness of the battle of the Cowshed bite to death to death.

Orwell stupid fuck and control her pigs to sell on the side of farmers of the forest, to somehow make ends meet. Just like Kiev, which is ready, it seems, to go to the IMF and to take another loan in exchange for allowing foreign capitalists to export round timber.

But I will stop there. Let the reader himself, reading “Animal farm” by George Orwell will appreciate too noticeable Parallels with the current Ukraine.

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