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The report of Dmitry Medvedev, the funeral March in the style of “disco”

Доклад Дмитрия Медведева - похоронный марш в стиле "диско"

Another government report of the Prime Minister before the deputies turned out to be a walking contradiction.

Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, reported on the work of his Department in 2015.

While outwardly demonstrating confidence and coldness was in his speech, something nervous. It happens when you have to contradict themselves, and when annoyed with that otherwise cannot.

Inconsistency – so one word can be described heard. Corny? But honestly. Russia – according to the word of Medvedev – adapted to external conditions but not adapted. I mean not so adapted, as the idea was, as expected, but somehow still adapted.

About the same key is sounded and the rest of the thesis. The diversification of the economy needs to do, but on raw, can’t stop praying – well, it feeds us, what is there to cheat?!

Optimization of budget expenditures is not yet complete, but to a three-year budget planning, might as well go back. Why not? Nothing because we still do not interfere and will not interfere to make the necessary amendments. So why the fuss out of the blue, and it’s nice to say that everything is planned for three years ahead.

But the main thing – with all the brutality in the external environment, and its turbulence and other charms, by itself, the report, Mr Medvedev has served as an example of loyalty to the chosen tradition, when the words separate, distinct cases, and the reality – parallel.

My experience from the next report of the head of the Government before deputies of the State Duma in conversation with the browser KM.RU shared political scientist, Dean of the faculty of sociology and political science of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Alexander Shatilov:

– On the one hand, the Prime Minister now report to the parliamentarians is not as difficult, because the atmosphere in the State Duma now, I confess, in General, is not much opposition. Parliamentary system the opposition is, obviously, quite so acutely prefers the Executive to criticize.

On the other hand the performance is for the Prime Minister was, of course, very difficult. Because, like it or not, and whatever one may say, but the socio-economic environment still deteriorated. It’s nothing to disguise and Medvedev had no choice but to be accountable for all those sins and all the problems that currently exist in the sphere of management of economy and social sphere.

This problem was exacerbated by the fact that, among other things, the MPs now actively preparing for upcoming elections this fall and they also need to Express themselves. Which means that, despite the declared loyalty, not to forget at the same time, to portray its opposition to the policy of the Government.

Medvedev, I thought, was well aware that the “easy walk” will not work and therefore have built a report quite favorable way for themselves. First, he “sprinkled ashes on his head”, noting all existing difficulties and problems, but then proceeded to enumerate all the constructive steps taken by the Government to them if not overcome, then easing.

And then proceeded to outright populism for the purpose, on the one hand, to please the deputies, and to try to generate much-needed power now optimism among the population that is still something to be happy about overcome the difficulties, for some reason prefers to fall into depression. In this light, I would note, first of all, his anti-migrant statements made, of course, with a clear sight to please public opinion.

But drew the attention and dubbed them the possible prospect of a progressive scale of income tax. This idea, recall, is especially active today, promoting the party “Fair Russia” and Dmitry Medvedev, being not only the head of the Government, but, as we know, the leader of the party-a competitor, catches it deftly.

At the same time gives the audience the illusion that in the foreseeable future, this scale could actually be entered. Although, I think, obviously, if that does happen, it is only in very-very detached perspective.

Overall, meeting with parliamentarians Medvedev held rather skillfully, avoiding any particular emotion, any breakdowns, obvious absurdities and scandals.

– How to find announced by Dmitry Medvedev and return to the system of three-year Budget planning? It has puzzled many, because, it would seem that now is certainly not the time for such an optimistic solution…

Is, of course, one of the iconic phrases in his report, again designed to reassure the population. After all, if we go back to the previous three-year budget planning scheme – hence, things are yet not as good as I would like, but it is bearable, there is some stability, there is a well defined vector in case of refusal of any “emergency”.

In his statement, I think the political component is still significantly prevailed over economic. At the same time, the authorities, apparently, have completely sober understanding of the situation – there is a trend for a deterioration in the long term. But about the disaster can not speak and did not think that the foreground task is to encourage the population to a catastrophic perception of the world in his weight became the determining factor.

This stems from the General attitude and message is the recognition of difficulties with simultaneous sensitive switch of the public from negative expectations.

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