Home / Economy / The people and the party United, but we eat different food!

The people and the party United, but we eat different food!

Народ и партия едины, но пищу разную едим мы!


The economic crisis is over we have until, until the change gave rise to its tip – that’s what we need to understand naive citizens.

Wanted to tighten the belt?

Proudly go to the potatoes with the fat?

With the worldwide challenge to wear grandma’s dress and turned grandpa’s boots?

With our “popularly elected” the power of dreams come true.

However, everyone’s different.

At the end of the Soviet regime in the people walked quietly sardonic poem: “the people and the party United, but we eat different food”.

Actually against this injustice and made citizens, destroying the Soviet Union – well, or at least not preventing its collapse. And what happened at the end?

When the place of the Communist party took the “United Russia”, the people and their rulers is not only the food was different, but in General all – from homes, places of recreation and education of children to morality.

Especially this “unity of opposites” revealed in the current crisis. One gosaiganj laughs at the fact that people can live in one bedroom apartments, the other on the personal plane carries a beetle abroad, and the third sends teachers to the latrine work, as once the serfs had sent… Revenue officials, bosses of state-owned corporations and other authorities on the background of impoverished millions, dramatically increased sales of the most expensive cars in Moscow beat all previous records.

That is, when alone, gasping, tightening their belts, others have pockets bursting from excess of money.

Patriotism, Putin declared our main rallying point, we have only free for the people.

To replenish stolen by officials of the Russian budget are designed new crazy taxes on housing, garden plots, murdered overhaul of housing stock…

To pay now they will be all “dear Russians”, denying themselves and their children in the elementary shopping. After the elections, to the fortuneteller do not go, the majority will have to tighten their belts – that the minority could still freer rein. As they say, lived well, there is nothing to get used to…

There is, however, a problem: potatoes with bacon to replace increasingly expensive drugs that are not cover transport costs, the increasing price of utility bills, clothes for the children. And, of course, it’s funny to kind of count Shuvalov, living in huge castles on the ruble, smaller houses are becoming an unattainable dream for most.

And here’s the staggering growth in poverty and a sharp reduction in the consumption of the super-rich occur in the country, owning nearly 30 percent of the world’s natural resources – and in a time when the whole world is steadily growing without crises and financial turbulence.

And all this decline, hold up somehow under the election – not the end but the beginning of the economic collapse of the thieving regime, which has chosen its main business of illicit enrichment.

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