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The original breed normal animals. Photo

Самые оригинальные породы обычных животных. ФотоNature has created millions of different sentient beings, different from each other.

They differ in size, color and a huge list of other indicators.

Humanity began to apply a scientific approach to the study of the animal Kingdom since the time of Aristotle, who for the first time in your own work “About the origin of animals” attempted to divide the living world into plants and animals.

Until now, scientists are finding new species hitherto unknown to science. However, the man himself also had a hand in the emergence of new types, the appearance of which sometimes greatly surprised us.


Самые оригинальные породы обычных животных. Фото

Dachshund in the world of cats. Unlike the majority of other unusual species, but this was not the result of selection, but because of spontaneous genetic mutations. Despite really strange, the spine of the cats of this breed have remained intact and are similar in form and flexibility with regular domestic cats.

Short legs did not hamper the mobility or ability to survive. And about the most expensive cat breeds in the Chips was a very beautiful post, you have to read.

Bedlington Terrier

Самые оригинальные породы обычных животных. Фото

The Bedlington originated and developed in the UK, on the border of England and Scotland, and their roots closely intertwined with another Terrier — dandy-your.

Originally, dogs of this breed were interested in only the hunters, however, in the nineteenth century, their popularity at the exhibitions has led to a gradual change in the character of the dog more flexible.

Since then, they became interested in the aristocracy. By the way, are often very beautiful dog obtained from crossing of different breeds, about some of them already mentioned here.

Angora rabbit

Самые оригинальные породы обычных животных. Фото

Those animals that produce the very famous Angora wool. Actually, it was for the wool of this breed and bred. In addition, it is one of the oldest breeds of rabbits, which are bred in Turkey.

Despite its unusual appearance, the Angora rabbits are very common Pets in Europe. Largely due to the fact that by nature they are very active, playful and social.

The Yakut horse

Самые оригинальные породы обычных животных. Фото

The most hardy breed of horses, bred by the national breeding under the strong influence of natural selection. All year round these horses live and eat in the open air at temperatures from +40 in summer to -60 during the winter.

Looking for food on their own, raking the snow with a hoof. The horse is a very revered animal in Yakutia. Read a great post about this wonderful region, there are a lot of interesting, including and about these horses.

Chinese silk chickens

Самые оригинальные породы обычных животных. Фото

This is a very old breed of chicken. When they were withdrawn is not precisely known, however, in the XIII century the famous traveler Marco Polo has described in great detail of these birds.

Initially they bred for decorative purposes, and sometimes used in Chinese folk medicine. In Russia these unusual chickens were in the late XVIII century.

Manx loghtan

Самые оригинальные породы обычных животных. Фото

An unusual breed of sheep that live directly on the Isle of man. It is also called Lochtyn. Get to know the representatives of this breed can be characterized by dark brown wool and the usual four, and sometimes six horns.

The appearance of representatives of this breed is so unusual and scary that one day one of the zoos even called the exorcist, knowing that their Manx lontana was possessed by a demon. Read more about this story read here.

Plush cow

Самые оригинальные породы обычных животных. Фото

Only a decorative breed of cows from the U.S. state of Iowa. Those huge soft toys of cows, bred not in order, so to milk them or to make them patties. Plush cows are always different exhibitions.

Barbary dove

Самые оригинальные породы обычных животных. Фото

Barbary dove occurs on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and on a small, mostly uninhabited Islands, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand.

The dove prefers a small, often uninhabited Islands where there are no predators. Lives in the jungle. In search of food, they, just like their urban counterparts move on the surface of the earth and feed on fallen fruit, seeds, and sometimes even snails.

Flying ruffed pigeons are extremely bad. Max in case of danger, can fly up to a tree branch. If you like depth, be sure to check this post, there are many beautiful photographs of breeds of pigeons from a professional photographer.

Cisterna pig

Самые оригинальные породы обычных животных. Фото

One of the species of wild pigs. Found in West and Central Africa from Senegal to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Kisaakye of pigs are active at night, and they spend all day in burrows, usually hidden in dense vegetation. This species lives in family groups of 2 to 15 individuals led by a Mature male.

Fringed turtle

Самые оригинальные породы обычных животных. Фото

Freshwater turtle from the family steinerei. Has a very quaint and unusual look.

From this turtle are more like coral reef than on the animal. These turtles live mostly in South America.

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