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The most unsuccessful projects in automotive history. Photo

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The automotive industry knows many curious cases, when due to technical difficulties or poorly designed design one failure model is put under the scope the fate of the entire company and the reputation of many people. Consider four examples, which prove that innovation is not always good.

In 1961, the German rider Hans Triple conceived to cope with the problem of endless traffic delays and road idle. He decided to build a car capable of moving on streams, lakes and other water bodies. His creation was called the Amphicar (amphibious).

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Despite the Grand idea, the project was a failure. The fact is that to achieve full water resistance failed, and it threatened the lives of the passengers decided to take a short cut across the river. In addition, the water speed Amphicar barely reached 7 mph, just slightly faster than when moving on a simple boat. At the time, Time magazine named the model Amphicar “revolutionary utopia”, which is totally inappropriate for everyday life.

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AMC Pacer Ami

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This is an attempt of the American automobile industry to create a compact two-door car, which in its class would be considered the most spacious model. Pacer was produced from 1975 to 1980 and because of its unusual design was nicknamed the “Flying tank”. In this car the driver’s door was a smaller passenger, and under the hood is housed a six-cylinder engine. The decline of the crisis on the oil market and the impracticality of the design has led to the fact that the project Pacer was removed from mass production.

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Ford Pinto

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In 2004, Forbes recognized this car is the worst model of all time. Pinto was sold from 1970 to 1980 and is still associated with the concept of engineering incompetence. In the car all the costs of production were reduced to a maximum (sold for $ 2000), making it unsafe for the driver and others. Special attention was drawn to the fuel tank located at the rear of the model. If at this point someone crashed, the owner of the Pinto could explode.

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Yugo GV
In 1984, this Yugoslav car belonging to the brand “Zastava”, was first presented to the public at one of the shows in Los Angeles and was produced until 2008. Low cost (3990 $) proved his only advantage, compared to other fatal defects (frequent explosions of the engine, fragile interior, constant fire electricians, etc.).

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To making sales, managers Yugo GV new users promised 10-year warranty service, if you encounter any problems. The problem is that the number of complaints was huge and the guide was more profitable to withdraw the model from sale, than to make endless adjustments.

Самые неудачные проекты в истории автомобилестроения. Фото

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