Home / Photo report / The most dangerous predators in the world of plants. Photo

The most dangerous predators in the world of plants. Photo

Самые опасные хищники в мире растений. ФотоBetter to stay away.

It is difficult to imagine a horror movie where the main role is played by some bloodthirsty chestnut: we got used to the fact that trees and plants provide food, fuel for the fire and the materials for our homes. Since childhood children are taught to take care of the trees is the lungs of our planet! Maybe that is why many people, the first being in the forest without a second thought, tear and eat everything that comes their hands.

But there are a lot of plants, the venom of which can kill even an elephant. Some of them are able to hunt large animals, killing so sophisticated that Hannibal Lecter could not stand that sight. Here are the top 7 most dangerous plants-predators — stay away from them!


It’s disgusting, the plant is largely similar to the Venus flytrap: similarly, sundew lures insects with the pleasant aroma. Extraction with flower to fly, and the plant slowly begins to fold the sheet, simultaneously digesting the victim. That is — quite literally eats her alive.

Самые опасные хищники в мире растений. Фото


Hi from Guinness world records: mancinella secretes a poisonous milky SAP to hide on a Sunny day under the shadow of her crown just not worth it. The fruit is also poisonous.

Самые опасные хищники в мире растений. Фото


The scientific name of the plant — the Chilean Puya, however, the locals picked up the dark assassin is a more suitable name: Oceed. Puja knows how to hunt sheep, pulling them spiked to the trunk. After some time, immobilized animal dies from exhaustion. The corpse decomposed, and Emceed receives nutrients through the soil.

Самые опасные хищники в мире растений. Фото

Euphorbia Smolensky

This cactus could be hottest tequila in the world. Of Euphorbia smolenskogo is highly saturated with resiniferatoxin. One drop of this substance can cause thirsty a flock of camels. Resiniferatoxin used in many percovich cans: for comparison, a single plant contains so much of this stuff, that would be enough for as much as 40 litres of pepper spray.

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In the middle ages the demand for Cerberus was very large: poisonous fruit was used by the courtiers and desperate lovers, Cerberus called the suicide Tree. All because the poison Cerberus is almost impossible to distinguish by taste and smell, and the fruit looks harmless enough.

Самые опасные хищники в мире растений. Фото

In Greymouth

Probably each of us at least once in your life fell into a thicket of nettles. Remember the intensity of feelings and multiply by about a thousand: people who have experienced collisions with these bushes describe their impact as a shot a powerful Taser. Instantly advancing paralysis that can last several hours, and may lead to death.

Самые опасные хищники в мире растений. Фото


Behind this innocuous title hides one of the most dangerous plants in the world. Powerful tree trunk covered with sharp spines: wyzewa, the fruits explode with such force that spreads the spikes in the 100 meters.

Самые опасные хищники в мире растений. Фото

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