Home / Business / The main thing in “the Movie”: reviews critics on “star trek: the Infinity festival “Window to Europe” and a new video from the creators of “guardians”

The main thing in “the Movie”: reviews critics on “star trek: the Infinity festival “Window to Europe” and a new video from the creators of “guardians”

This week in the review were: the program of the Vyborg film festival “Window to Europe” which will pass in August in the Leningrad region, reviews of Russian and foreign film critics at the premiere last week – the third part of the Saga “star trek”, as well as a new video about the urban fantasy “Night watch”.

The main thing in “the Movie”: reviews critics on “star trek: the Infinity festival “Window to Europe” and a new video from the creators of “guardians”

What pictures show at the festival “Window to Europe” which will pass in Vyborg from 6 to 12 August, this week told the organizers. In the feature films competition will involve ten paintings, more than half of which put the newcomers. Among the potential favorites — “Dislik” Paul Ruminov, Director “Status: free” with Danila Kozlovsky and “Black water” by Roman Karimov, who in the film “Inadequate people”. In the documentary section draws attention to the film “the beginning” with Chulpan Khamatova and Alexander Gradsky in the lead roles. In the list of animated films applying for the award), “Listening to Beethoven” by Garry Bardin. It is known that the Director raised funds for the project, which is 6 million rubles through crowdfunding. About other films, read the material “Film”.

The main thing in “the Movie”: the program “Window to Europe”-2016, a film about “star trek: Infinity”
Last week, in world hire has launched a new “star trek” subtitled “Infinity”. Experience of domestic and foreign film critics gathered our commentator George Harjunen. Journalist Time thinks visual effects “too clever by half”, falling on the mysterious planet space ship “enterprise” looks nice, but unnecessarily slows the pace of the film. Forbes note that Director Justin Lin, who replaced J. J. Abrams, the Director of the previous two parts, made some changes in the design of the project. And this is the only benefit. The author of the Vedomosti, Oleg Sentsov, believes that the impact of Lina barely noticeable stylistic differences from the first two films is almost there. But “attraction” in the movie turned out — so never underestimate the “agility” of the Director, the last few years working on the series “fast and furious”. In the “Daily Poster” Anton Dolin recalls that the film is dedicated to the memory of two actors – Leonard Nimoy, played Spock, and Anton Elchina, by the role of Pavel Chekhov. But if the life of the first hero continued, the second – along with the tragic death Elicina a few weeks before the premiere ended. The creators said that the new Chekhov will not look. With this character — according to Anton Valley from “star” of the series “leave something important and irreplaceable”.

“Star trek: Infinity: official trailer
The creators of the film “Night watch” has released a new video where he spoke about the difficult filming process. In the story, the secret police Department struggles with evil spirits – vampires and werewolves. Part in the battles with the dark forces demanded from the actors a serious physical training! Training with masters of karate and Thai Boxing, Love Aksenov easily did a somersault the air and brilliantly coped with the knife. Director emilys Olives, admitted that in every movie he’s someone from the cast was definitely traumatized, but “the guardians” nothing of the sort happened. However, once the operator of the camera “crashed” in a fragile Sabine Akhmetov – one of the performers of the main roles, but there were no fractures and concussions. More
details about how the picture was created – read on “the Movie”.

“Nightwatch”. Video about the filming of the stunts in the film

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