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The main causes of childhood obesity

 Названы главные причины детского ожирения The risk of sudden weight gain increases with the beginning of the study.

Specialists of the UK as a result of scientific work has identified that adolescents of a primary school with lightning speed to be overweight. They found that children with an acceptable body weight by the end of the school year are more likely to be obese.

Apparently, the school increased accessibility to unhealthy foods. To protect children from such temptations, like chips and fatty foods becomes harder. Moreover, many school canteens increases for healthy products, distribute products, which is forbidden to eat.

The second reason is a sedentary lifestyle. Given the fact that half a day spent in school, the children almost all the time sitting, on arrival home, instead of active play in the yard, modern teenagers prefer to play on the gadgets.

According to British scientists, primary school is of great importance, as, develops children’s good habits. To suspend the weight gain students will help additional lessons of physical labor. Welcome to take preventive measures that focus on reducing the intake of junk food.

Parents should contribute to the learning of the theoretical material about healthy habits, which is taught in school and practice it at home.

Other causes of obesity of children

The atmosphere in the family. The study by researchers from the University of Guelph showed that in families where there is peace and understanding, children are much less likely to face the problem of obesity. The fact that tension and stress cause the higher levels of the hormone cortisol, and popular method to lower it is to eat sweets.

The second reason for obesity is watching a cartoon full of characters, such as “the Simpsons”, “Shrek”. Talking about this by American scientists. They argue that children who are addicted to such cartoon, eating twice the calories and junk food than fans of the cartoons, which do not popularitywith the cult of food.

The scientists also concluded that children of working mothers more likely to suffer from obesity, as they do not have time for careful attention to feeding his child. All because of non-working mothers devote themselves more to the education of the child.

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