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The lack of this substance causes constant fatigue

Нехватка этого вещества вызывает постоянную усталостьNamed substance the lack of which leads to chronic weakness and fatigue.

From normal household fatigue syndrome chronic fatigue is characterized in that the recovery of the body does not occur even after adequate rest.

In addition to physiological manifestations, the person begins to feel emotional depression, lack of motivation to be active, the low self-esteem, isolation from society, increased irritability.

The main symptoms that trigger the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, arise due to insufficient intake of lecithin. It is contained in chicken egg yolk, buckwheat, dairy products, legumes, fish.

What if the fatigue doesn’t go away?

To get started go screening for chronic diseases or infections. Allergies, diabetes and even some viral infections contribute to the manifestation of such symptoms.

• Normalize the resting and exercise. Well, if you stick to a clear daily routine.

• Learn to say “no!”. For this purpose there are even special trainings. It is the ability to defend their own boundaries and to respect your “I”.

• If you are a workaholic, understand yourself – what does that tell you? Perhaps a sense of superiority over other people. Maybe there’s a way to cope with anxiety, to feel a worthy member of society. Maybe you repeat the habit of one of your parents? Think about whether or not race after the carrot of the” lost health and family difficulties.

• Try to devote to physical exercise 30-60 minutes a day.

• Select power mode: some people work better after a light snack, while others may only work after eating tightly. Avoid fatty foods, because fats are metabolized slower than carbohydrates, and this may reduce activity.

• During the day take short breaks at work.

• Take a trip on vacation or even for a weekend, unplug the phone and relax at home.

• As little as possible to fatigue yourself with unnecessary information. Computer and TV should not be a background during the holidays.

• Find a way to harmonize their emotional state. Listen to calming music, pick up a phrase or prayer that gives you a sense of calmness.

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