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The lack of sunlight leads to myopia

Недостаток солнечного света приводит к близорукости At risk are children.

A new study by experts from the University of Queensland showed that of myopia lead not computers and mobile devices, and poor lighting. Children who spend less time in daylight, faster developing visual system. They also have a faster progressing myopia.

Study participants two weeks in warm and cold months were devices that monitor their activity with light sensors. The researchers came to the conclusion that children have to walk in the daylight for more than an hour a day (preferably at least two hours). This will help to prevent the development of myopia and to stop its progression.

By the way, according to another recent study, by 2050, 50% of the world population will be nearsighted. According to scientists, to blame external factors. People spend less time outdoors and a lot of work. Experts believe: it is necessary to take urgent measures.

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