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The king is naked!

А король-то голый!

The role of the little boy in Andersen’s fairy tales sang Putin, who in a concise form, only one “draft law on plutonium”, to show the world that the United States something is a fake superpower. The bubble that hit the consciousness of the world community to their gigantic size. And for the gigantic size — the naked void.

In fairness it should be noted that the first boys who paid attention to American Nude become indomitable Fidel from Liberty Island and North Korean leaders. But their eloquent gestures in the world are not particularly reacted. For a variety of reasons. The first was under the umbrella of the Soviet Union, and under it, was considered, and the Pug can bark at the elephant. And Korean “the boys” was really quite small boys, on which and attention to turn funny.

Another thing is the shrug Russia, to every word which the world listens.

Especially with authority Russia’s words sound now, when the failed anti-Russian sanctions of the West. According to experts, the temporary difficulties which Russia experienced, the more connected not with the sanctions and falling oil prices. At the same time, analysts say that sanctions brought US economic losses and damage to the geopolitical interests of America.

First, Russia has not changed its attitude to Ukraine and is not going to return the Crimea. For what, in fact, was taken by remedial pressure. And this is a serious blow above all to the curator of Ukraine — the United States.

Moreover, Russia is not put at the mercy of Syria. For the first time in the last time someone dared to hit US on the hands.

Second, Russia is only showing the movement in the East, has really made a turn towards China and the developing world. Red dragon, catching the US hegemony in the economy, without fuss, slowly creating an alternative “Empire of the dollar” economic and financial institutions. In order to strengthen the hegemony, and so — just in case, in the event of the collapse of the dollar colossus with feet of paper, which he’s predicting, there was someone to pick up the baton. The end of “the era of the dollar”, I think not only the Chinese, should not become the end of the story. It is no accident that the number of participants in the Asian infrastructure investment Bank created by China in October last year, included the UK, Germany, France.

More recently, the world is not unipolar, as I still think of the United States. The world has changed not only the configuration (political, economic), but also the composition of the main characters on the planetary stage. In the United States that stubbornly refuse to understand or to see. In this gap “in education” and pointed to the Americans Putin in his message — “the draft law on plutonium”.

In the US, this step Russia has called “the beginning of a new cold war. And one of the candidates for Vice-President Republican Mike Pence this morning even remembered his “saying”: “Russian bear never dies, it only hibernates”. In time, that reminds me. Russian bear woke up and reminded the world about the key plot of the fairy tale “the Emperor’s New clothes”. The world was only aware of this moment to overcome fear and follow Russia loudly shout: “the king is naked!”

And the world will not collapse and will not crumble, but rather would be more secure, stable and fair.

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