Home / Economy / The internal debt of Russia has exceeded 7 trillion rubles

The internal debt of Russia has exceeded 7 trillion rubles

Внутренний госдолг России превысил 7 триллионов рублей

Photo: Yury Martyanov / Kommersant

The volume of the state internal debt of the Russian Federation as of 1 April amounted to 7,266 trillion rubles this is stated in soobsheniya. This amount of debt liabilities on government securities accounted for 5,676 trillion rubles for state guarantees in rubles — 1,59 trillion rubles.

With the beginning of the year, domestic debt has not changed. On January 1 it amounted to 7.3 trillion rubles.

Earlier the audit chamber reported that by the end of 2015 external public debt of Russia decreased by $ 4.4 billion to 50 billion. Overall debt burden is about 16 percent of GDP.

For external official debt ceiling for 2016 amounts to 52.6 billion dollars. The upper limit of the state internal debt on January 1, 2017 is set at 9 trillion rubles.

In 2016 Russia plans to enter the market of external borrowing for the first time since 2013. The Ministry of Finance can place on foreign markets bonds worth up to 3 billion dollars

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