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The growth of China’s economy imminent

Рост экономики Китая неминуем

According to the report of the Chinese government, by 2020 the total volume of the country’s economy strives to exceed 13,8 trillion dollars (90 billion yuan). Official Beijing also predict a significant increase in the efficiency and quality of economic development.

During the 13th five-year plan (2016-2020) in the plans of the government included strengthening of the role of innovation in the economy. This will result in the launch of a number of state scientific and technological projects, promoting the development of technologies, creation of research centers, as well as improving the quality of Internet. By 2020 the share of science in GDP will be 2.5%.

In addition, in the appointed period, Beijing will put emphasis on modernization of agriculture and urbanization. Recall that over the past year, China’s GDP amounted to $ 10.3 trillion (67,67 trillion yuan).

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