Home / Culture / The glory of “DeAngelo” son a real dude

The glory of “DeAngelo” son a real dude

Слава из "НеАнгелов" воспитывает сына настоящим стилягойThe singer finally ceased to hide the face of his son and show his photos in a social network.

Thank Kaminska long hide his son from strangers, showing only those photos, which he closed was the face. But now Leonard little has grown up and his mother no longer afraid, delighting their fans with fresh images. This time the soloist “DeAngelo” showed how stylish and fashionable she has a son from childhood. The singer can afford to pick up for kids original branded clothes and create images in which they look very nice.

Recently, the Glory showed daughter Laura in the stylish outfits, and yesterday the time came to boast of a son. One of the photos singer signed: “the Fashionable guy in the village”. Subscribers will artist began to compare the style of her son with the image of famous musicians, such as Philip Kirkorov, Dima Monatic and others.

Besides the fact that the followers of the singer appreciated how Leo looks, they also bathed him in compliments, putting on a very pretty face. The boy is a real hunk and he looks like his dad, and then will be happy.

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