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The European Union. Trick or treat?!

If you believe the survey “to Be or not to be the European Union?” The EU is moribund. The majority – 56% – are the real Leninists! This Makar judged Lenin on imperialism a hundred years ago. And, as always, firmly obmishurilsya.
Now our children immediately after the words “Mama” and “Papa” begin to say “iPhone” and “globalization”.

Евросоюз. Жизнь или кошелек?!

So they will be easier and better to understand that we are all members of the process of matching existing 220 nation-States into a single global. And that this process is not at the whim of evil and insidious tit-globalists, and by virtue of the laws of historical development.
The alloy of the present countries and Nations into one is happening, thanks to Hegel, dialectical. From single – to the particular, from particular to General. Where private – coalescing group of countries integrated in public education – the state of the intermediate level. Cyrillic – FORCES. Or, in strictly scientific language, “nation-state world order is displaced gradually by the regional polycentric” (523). And the EU in this way – the first swallow. If you want an icebreaker making its way to everyone else. The valuable experience and mistakes.
The transition from the national organization of his life to the world mankind began April 18, 1951, on this day, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and joined them in Luxembourg concluded a seemingly ordinary cooperation agreement in a fairly narrow field of coal and steel. After 6 years, “six said,” Gut! This is good!” and established a “Common market”. The world’s first domestic principle of freedom of movement of goods, services, Finance and labour soared to the regional.
Three years later, 1959, in order of tests, established by the European Parliament. However, with Advisory right.
In parallel, in 1957 arises, the organization now known as the “club of Rome”. The group of scientific support of hundreds of scientists with a “universal vision”, which is busy with problems of global development.

Евросоюз. Жизнь или кошелек?!

And just for the 17 th year of his life “Common market” decided on its first extension. His recruits – England, Ireland, Denmark.
The first direct elections to the European Parliament held 20 years after the establishment.
1979 – the EU enters Greece.
In 1981, after ten years of preparation, Spain and Portugal brought the number of stars on the blue EU flag to 12.
It takes another ten years and the first on the ground FORCES filled up by Austria, Sweden, Finland.
So for half a century the EU has included only 9 new members. Safely adapting them and giving the opportunity to adapt themselves in the new house.
But in 2004 the European Union is unraveling. It takes from 10 newcomers from Eastern Europe. And the trouble is not that a lot of them. And that violated the principle of formation of any Power. All its members in their development should belong to the 2nd phase of capitalism. And the new recruits – all from the first. For the EU, they are disabled. And it is interesting to feed your dependents? And when it added millions of refugees, England fidgeted with the referendum, and Switzerland simply withdrew its application.
The term? Banish “raw” will not. Most likely, the EU will become a two-storey London bus.
We have a unique chance to observe firsthand the formation of the feet first on the ground Force. He is still very raw. Has its own currency. But it covers only 19 countries out of 28. Besides, without Britons. Not his army, just talk and someone else’s “umbrella”. There is no language. As for the pan-European leader, Juncker, of course, not Barbarossa. But the most interesting – ahead. It is one thing to abolish customs borders, and the other to erase the ethnic border. In the manner of States.
Asset. For the first time in the world, a region of half a billion people, where internal wars are excluded. When human prosperity. And who envy the billions of Asians and Africans.

Евросоюз. Жизнь или кошелек?!

In addition to the European Union there is still at least 50 other associations. Here, ASEAN and the SCO, and the MERCOSUR Latin American common market. Some of them can become the basis for the formation of new power. Other disintegrate as memorable CMEA – the Soviet Union created the Council for mutual economic assistance.
There are three parameters of viability, the strength of the Union of States.
First and foremost. Participants should finish the first phase of capitalism. Only they are able to create and to develop creative Power. This requirement meets only 64% of the members of the EU.
What’s the deal here?
The first phase – the transition from feudalism to capitalism. Nation in this area is occupied mainly internal reorganization. Painful change of the mode of production, the adjustment of relations between the business class and labor people. The struggle for democracy. Even bourgeois. Centrifugal forces dominate. They largely caused the collapse of the British Empire, and the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia.
But when all the internal issues resolved, the economy for its further development demands an extension of the market. And we get the EU. In this case, the prevailing centripetal force.
Here the dashed analogy. Childhood and adolescence is the time of formation of the person. The production of nature, manifestations of tendencies, knowledge of the world in which we live. But to 20-24 years in the first place is the need to connect to the family. Or at least to find a partner.
The second requirement – the Commonwealth must be of the same economic level. Otherwise, the Union of the laborer with his fist.
The third essential for the formation of the setting – a common territory. This creates a problem, for example, of a Brix value. Beyond the sea heifer – mite, Yes ruble transportation.
Eurasian economic Union – Eurasian economic Union does not meet the main requirement is Strength. All the participants are only the 1st phase of capitalism. However, closer to its completion. The threshold of the transition, constantly in motion and now he is around 35 thousand dollars per capita.

Евросоюз. Жизнь или кошелек?!

It is well known, the story accelerates. But with the formation of the EU, it entered an era of rapid change. Now the winners will be those who are gifted and to develop the ability to live in a fast paced and changing world. Ilya Muromets is already beginning to get off the oven.
And the rest – “don’t be cruel to me – I go!”.

Beaver, Bee

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