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The era of the super-rich. Who will be the first dollar trillionaire?

Эпоха сверхбогатых. Кто станет первым долларовым триллионером?


Over the past year the world has reduced the number of billionaires. According to Forbes, about half a dozen (among the reasons is the fall in oil prices and instability in world markets). As the richest of them – bill gates is estimated at $75 billion.

While it is difficult to predict when the list will be the first trillionaire (even oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, who is considered the richest man in history, in terms of today’s money collected less than $400 billion).

However, in Silicon valley, according to Tech Insider, I believe that in a few decades it will happen necessarily. “We must prepare for a world in which there will be trillionare,” says Sam Altman, President of incubator for startups Y Combinator.

– It will be considered a great injustice. I myself think it’s unfair.

But in order for society to move forward, we have to accept it.” The growth of wealth, he connects with innovation. In his opinion, their development will reach, when they will bring the creators of hundreds of billions of dollars a year (now leaders by revenue in the world are mostly energy companies, in the ranking of 2015, Apple has won the 12th place with $234 billion).

A similar forecast was made by American business consultant Robert Lord. In his opinion, the bar is $1 trillion will be achieved in 25-30 years. According to the Lord, sooner or later someone will create a unique product that will be extremely commercially successful and ensure that it is the Creator of the record condition.

Although a trillionaire can become a businessman, like Elon musk, who will succeed in several areas, not one. “The first trillionaire will be an inventor, a Creator of something that will change the world – agrees the representative of the British consulting firm Wealth Insight Oliver Williams.

There was, however, another version. American astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson claimed that trillions of state businessmen will bring mining operations on asteroids. Including for the space industry. A couple of years ago, analysts predicted that the first trillionaire will appear after about 25 years. This was supposed to be a businessman from the USA, India or China. From 2000 to 2013, according to Credit Suisse, global wealth has almost doubled to us $241 trillion.

It is still distributed very unevenly. In 2016, the Oxfam predictions, as only 1% of the population (the richest people) can exceed the half of the world’s capital (in 2009 they accounted for 44% in 2014, 48%). Credit Suisse analysts predict that the growth in the number of millionaires and billionaires appeared first trillionaire.

This can happen in two generations.

The owners of trillions of States by that time, if you believe the forecasts, will be about ten people.

The rise of global capital, according to Altman, can positively affect others. In other words, wealth will be so much that it will raise the standard of living of the majority of the population. Yet hundreds of millions live in poverty.

According to the United Nations for 2015, below the poverty line (less than $1.25 a day) were more than 830 million people – about 14% of the population.

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