Home / Economy / The economy, for which the figure is everything and man is nothing, is dangerous for the country

The economy, for which the figure is everything and man is nothing, is dangerous for the country

Экономика, для которой цифра – все, а человек – ничто, опасна для страны

What evil have for the Russian economy of foreign investments? The danger inherent in the purchase of our plants, manufacturing facilities, defense industry and agriculture foreign capitalists?

To avoid economic disaster in the European countries and the United States, the local corporations are buying up our businesses, destroying in one fell swoop competitors. Becoming the sole owners of Russian companies, they are bankrupt and under the pretext of closing, throwing workers into the streets, adding to our army of unemployed. One hand solve two problems simultaneously: to destroy the competition in the face of Russia and destabilisateur the situation in our country.

And the anger of the people directed in the right direction, against the administrative apparatus of our country… What are the necessary measures that during the global crisis to save the Russian economy, including small and family business:

– The abolition of all taxes for small business (for the right to work) at a certain turnover, for example up to 100 000 rubles a month. To place the economic burden on corporations and the oligarchs who seized personal property, public property and property.

– To reduce the possibility of control by the state (only serious complaint).

– Create social shopping centres and production bases rent-free or charge at cost cost.

– Allow to put up stalls, tents, pavilions, trays, and so forth, anywhere, without rent, all costs to take the population work. Otherwise, the people will come to work in the dark.

– To weaken the requirements on sanitary rules SES. Now they are absurd.

– Allow to start production in the family business in the apartment or house.

– To give perpetual and interest-free loans to agriculture, especially farmers, manufacturers, and not like now – the money left to the bankers.

– To reduce the appetites of officials and public servants. Such a large number of them, not to feed. They breed like fleas and are able to tear any dog.

– To increase the liability for corruption and bribes. Confiscation of property from relatives of officials and family members.


If these measures are not taken soon, the crisis will worsen and on the horizon loomed the famine, with the prospect of enormous chaos in the country. As a consequence, much blood will be spilled.

Now “burned out” those who are able to work, put them in a “penalty” bondage. And those loans that could go in the reorganization and expansion of the business go into a bottomless pit in the form of fines and bribes. The victim used the benefits of the state are brought strategic victory. Lifting the small manufacturer is very, very difficult – almost impossible. And who can guarantee the permanence of the new rules of the game? No!

The measures taken by capitalist tycoons for Russia to survive in the global economic crisis? Very simple, they spend optimization, and simply put, working class stripped to his underpants. They fired two, and the third is forced to work for anyone else, but he gets one salary. The volume of work has increased and wages decreased. Where is the saved wages? And they went to the prize of the Directorate and owners. So our guy feeds a dozen generals.


Who is particularly dangerous for oligarchic, bureaucratic monopoly capital, for state and non-state corporations? Small and medium businesses, that is, in time people we have the petty bourgeoisie. Her monstrously interfere with the oligarchs and monopolists supported by a corrupt bureaucracy.

The number of dissatisfied entrepreneurs continues to grow, and if the internal policy of the country will not change radically, there will be preconditions for bourgeois revolution in Russia. This top does not want to admit, hence there is destruction of small and medium business. Afloat during the economic crisis were only the bankers and corporations, supported by the budget and stabilization Fund, and in fact the people’s money.

The bourgeoisie spared. Nothing is done to rescue the businessmen of small and medium level. Even the laws are such that they are impossible to use without expensive lawyers. They are contrary to common sense and common human logic, accepted and changed packs. Just keep an eye on them – you need special apparatus. But where is all this money from the small businessman? So he gets the matter under bureaucratic or prohibitions, or under bucket.


Since 2011, several times increased the salaries of state employees. First of all, it referred to the power structures that underpin oligarchy: MVD, FSB, army, tax office, judiciary, bailiffs, prosecutors and so on. And who will pay for it? Abramovich, Potanin, Deripaska or someone else from the oligarchs? No! It hung on the people, small and medium business, the working class! Us all to go to the officials? And who then will work?

And again, the entrepreneur will be declared the representative of the tax, which will be blessed that all entrepreneurs are slackers and not able to work effectively. And again well-fed and well-fed faces will loom in front of the workers, then come the bailiffs and collection agencies to knock the last. When does it end? There is no way to feed the whole clan officials!

The economy can not be divorced from the person. It is created by man and for man. Its main objective is the salvation of souls and justification of the hopes of the people. Therefore, the question of the purpose of business cannot be resolved on the principle of so-called “free economy”, for which the figure is everything, man is nothing. In its strategic development of Russia’s economy should be based on the principles that are close to the common man, which would stimulate, not coffin of its economic activity.

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