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The economic crisis hit in the pocket people

Published Boris GrigorievВыход из экономического кризиса – заход в карман народа

Any complex system is a machine with inputs and outputs, operating in some environment.


When due to some causes, whether external or internal, the work threatens to stop, this is called “crisis”.


  • To live the old way any longer, though very desirable.

Then the system somehow changes, reconfigures itself to continue its business as usual.

Change, of course, not in the main – otherwise it is not a crisis, but a complete rebuilding, the destruction of the old system and create a new one.

And in Russia, and in Ukraine the system since 1991, one – peripheral capitalism.

A system of mass robbery of all available resources and sharing them in the West on all sorts of nice things.

She defeated Soviet socialism quite easily without any civil war.

The population of polohalo bit, but took the offered circumstances.

The system stabilized and became completely resistant to external threats.

People safe for her to oppose her something not only can, but does not want, because already adapted to it, sometimes even turn on, and nothing else thinks.

The external world – especially, since such a system is great capitalism kernel, in symbiosis with this system, in fact, occurred.

Her only problem – she is quite the curve and poorly made.

As any capitalism is a parasite, depleting the external resources and not giving anything in return. This requires a lot of resources, because the system is extremely voracious.

There are just three resources – the Soviet heritage, the export of raw materials and income.

But specifically, Russia is very lucky have been very high prices for its raw materials – oil and gas.

Because of krivosti system quite often suffering from economic crises.

But they do not mean death, that history clearly demonstrates.

The first crisis was in 1998, when the Russian government gave the debt in the manner of a pyramid Mavrodi, and was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Came out of the situation by ceasing completely unbridled thievery by setting some restrictions and massively robbing the population through devaluation of the currency.

In General, this crisis arose from bad initial adjustment of the system. It ustakanilos.

Next was in 2008 because of the turbulence in external markets.

Russian companies have managed to get debt, and old debts were paid, perekreditovanija again.

Sooner or later this bike was to fall – and he fell, when the West began with their credit system. A little further down oil prices.

From this crisis came rather easily – it poured money prudently accumulated previously.

It is curious that the Ukrainian crisis was held completely at the same time – in 1998 and 2008

This proves that Russia and Ukraine still represent one economic system.

For the sake of interest can look at the charts of the GNP of both countries – they are similar like twins, only one is much lower than the other.

The next crisis was to come, obviously, in 2014, his signs were visible already in 2013.

First, over the Soviet legacy. No matter how big it is, but it is not infinite.

Secondly, high oil prices that remained for 15 years, began to fall, and it turned out that they were just pretty random fluctuation.

This crisis was much more serious, because they encroached on the main thing – work of the capitalist system. Fell sharply, the resources invested in the looting. Therefore, measures to exit from it was unprecedented.

Especially visually it is visible on the example of Ukraine, which does not have a oil windfalls. The feeder is decreased, the war began between the clans that have fallen in armed conflict. It’s on pofigisticheskiy Ukraine, which back in the 90s one ingenious writer has called “the land of the slumbering angels.”

Well, traditional for both countries, the decision of the people to tighten their belts.

To raise prices, increase unemployment, cut wages.

This is logical: the people is the most unnecessary for the economic system thing.

Overall he’s just an obstacle that is constantly getting tangled underfoot.

In short, the crisis was overcome, and the situation has stabilized – by looting of the population.

How else? Other resources have been exhausted.

To carry out the operation of the robbery, were twisted nuts. Mode of soft became harshly authoritarian.

The only difference in the methods. Russia, where there is a strong state, used it and began to turn into a police state.

Ukraine, where the government was no, used informally fighters for the faith; to cultivate them further and release at the right moment. It is easier and cheaper, although the results weren’t pretty and worse controlled.

Now let’s compare the dates: 1998 – 2008 – 2014. The difference in years: 10 – 6.

The progression seems to waning, economic crises occur more often, the efforts for their suppression required more, so that the total state of the system seems quite frail, margin is not very large, but a no there.

Exact figures, of course, cannot be given, but one can assume that the next crisis will be in 4-5 years, that is, in the years 2018-2019.

The exit will be all the same – the entrance to the pocket of the uncomplaining population.

In Russia it is, at least in the big cities, living is better than in Ukraine – so we have the reserves.

Ukrainians live and do not grumble, as if murmuring something in a very perverted and senseless forms of dreams about “Europe” or “svidomi Ukraine”.

So space is also available – only serve oil in the fire: “why aravane should live better than Ukrainians?

Is this a law of nature? Or because their ancestors three hundred years ago, someone won?” So the ancestors of present-day having stolen the whole world is in fear was holding – what?

Degradation of post-Soviet countries similar to sliding down a staircase with very wide steps.

Reset – for a long period of stabilization in a lower position, until you arrive the next step. No sudden collapse of everything. So wrote Kara-Murza in 2000-ies and he was right.

So in the future look with optimism.

Russia is on a plateau and gently rolling on a horizontal plane, which in Newspeak is called stability.

Enjoy still life, the economy is still on a couple of crises found the saving to the captains exit.


Blue cat

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