Home / Medicine / The doctors explained that in some cases, diarrhea can be dangerous for health

The doctors explained that in some cases, diarrhea can be dangerous for health

Врачи объяснили, в каких случаях диарея может быть опасна для здоровьяThe main danger with diarrhea is dehydration.

Another danger is masking serious chronic diseases under banal indigestion. Sometimes you can do home treatment, but in some cases it is necessary to consult a specialist, said the doctor-therapist of the first category Anna Bobyreva.

Under disorders usually refers to the chair diarrhea. Diarrhea is an increase in stool bulk, increasing the content of water, increased frequency of defecation. It is considered normal for an adult chair 2 times a day to once in two days.

Causes of diarrhea can be:

– bacterial infection (salmonellosis, staphylococcal infection, cholera, dysentery and many other);
viral infections caused by different types of enteroviruses (including so-called intestinal flu);
– eating large amounts of certain foods (plums, apricots);
insufficiency of the secretory function of the pancreas;
– a violation of intestinal motility in the so-called irritable bowel syndrome.

Home treatment is possible in the following cases:

– if the disease appeared suddenly, and did not develop gradually (over weeks or months);
– if there is no high temperature, frequent repeated vomiting;
– if ill only you, and not the whole group of people who together with you foods;
– if the health improvement occurs within one day, passes quickly vomiting and normal stool.

Otherwise, it is better to seek help from a doctor which will determine the necessary amount of examination, treatment, as well as the need for hospitalization. If you have doubts about foods eaten the day before, you don’t have stomach ulcer, chronic gastritis or duodenitis, complied with the above conditions can be treated at home.

The main therapeutic measures should be:

the recovery of water loss in the body; it is better to drink cool boiled water in small portions during several hours so as not to cause or enhance the emesis (estimated volume of 2-3 liters for an adult, sometimes more);
– hunger at least 1 day in advance; accept any food would be food not only for you but also for pathogens.

Sorbents provide a supporting effect. As sorbent to drink during the day 2-3 sachets of smecta. Instead of boiled water you can drink the finished salt mix (such regidron). With regard to mineral water can be taken chloride-sodium mineral water without gas. With gas and alkali (sodium bicarbonate) mineral water can not be accepted as they are by evolution of gas in the intestinal lumen will increase peristalsis, hence, become more frequent stools, can cause or exacerbate vomiting.

Traditional treatment of diarrhea, for example, trying to feed the patient rice or starch, usually only aggravate the severity of the patients. In any case, we recommend not using these “folk” methods.

Prolonged loose stools or frequent frustration, besides the risk of dehydration and disorders of mineral and acid-alkaline balance of the body, can be a symptom of serious chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the earlier the diagnosis and treatment is started the better the prognosis.

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