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The British are developing schools for gifted children in the Soviet experience

Now students suffering out of all proportion to the obtained results

Британцы создают школы для одаренных детей по советскому опыту

The portal KM.RU as an educational project often turned to the topic of education reform in Russia. In a situation when at the highest level the need of new industrialization and development of high technology, required and relevant education system.

How Affairs in this sphere? On the question of our portal are answered by the Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on education Oleg Smolin.

We were in the top three of the young generations of his time

Now students suffering out of all proportion to the obtained results. This is the main thing I would like to change at school. I have a grandson in second grade, so here I am in the second class was a free man, and my grandson had very little free time for development. If to speak in General, according to Rosobrnadzor, a quarter of children did not cope with the simplest task on the math exam. By the way, the exam in mathematics is as close to traditional tests and it has been proposed such a problem: the Train left at 10am from point “A” arrived at point “B” at 12 o’clock the next day, both destinations are in the same time zone. How much in the way spent the train? This is the task for the second class!

The question is, why hold the children of torment, if there is no result? I believe that we have violated one of the great covenants of the famous psychologist Lev Vygotsky, one hundred and twentieth anniversary of which we celebrate this year: “Look for the zone of proximal development”. When children overload of information, often unnecessary, they don’t even know what should know in the normal amount of information.

In the Soviet school of information, where kids were loaded, there was less knowledge and more. We were in the top three of the young generations of his time, now elementary our school is in the top three world leaders, but the older you are, the worse their performance. And now we in this parameter has slipped to fourth and even fifth decade in the world.

We need a learning-oriented person

How to explain this overload? I’m not a supporter of the theory of foreign conspiracy. Famous bureaucratic Parkinson’s law is worse than any conspiracy. Once in the Duma, I spoke on the next government programme of mass closures of universities: “I do Not believe in foreign agents in the government. But if they were there, nothing better for them than the curtailment of higher education and the throwing of students into the street during the crisis, I can not come up”.

However, not sharing the theory of a foreign conspiracy, I believe that the Russian political elite is trying to create two systems of education. One for managers and another for everyone else.

In addition to criticism requires and to put forward positive proposals. My opinion is: you need more time to carefully select tasks for the school curriculum. Flatly refuse from the system of bureaucratic scores of teachers, because teachers now are accountable to no end and take first place in the world in time spent on formal procedures. And, third, in education it is necessary to return a living soul, that is, instead of bureaucratic education, we need learning that is focused on the person.

Education without upbringing is a sword in the hands of a lunatic

Now, on the contrary, trying to remove the human factor. In this case, it may be training, but not training. Dmitri Mendeleev, by the way, saying that education without upbringing is a sword in the hands of a lunatic.

I recently learned that the British are developing schools for gifted children in the Soviet experience, especially using a classic Soviet textbooks on natural Sciences. Which is not surprising since these books, like the literature textbooks, good enough for him to learn. Of course, modernity should be in the old texts to make the amendment on the ideological factor. With this amendment they are suitable for learning in our current time. Incidentally, I know of parents who get their books left over from Soviet times, and teach them to children.

Oleg Smolin

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