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The bleak prospects of Ukraine: Americans from Kiev will not go away

Recently the Associated Press reported that U.S. defense Secretary Ashton Carter has appointed a retired American General John Abizaid Advisor to the Minister of defence of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak. Appointment Abizaid came to fruition last Thursday at the meeting of Carter and Poltorak organized on the sidelines of the UN conference on peacekeeping. Commenting to the press the news, Ashton Carter said that “the appointment of an adviser should not be regarded as a signal of U.S. plans to help Ukraine in offensive actions against Russian troops in Eastern Ukraine”. As stressed in an interview with reporters Carter, appointment Abizaid “is a continuation of U.S. defensive oriented military assistance to Ukraine.” And that’s all.



Безрадостные перспективы Украины: американцы из Киева не уйдут

“Quiet Americans” in Kiev

The Associated Press and the subsequent explanation of the American Minister did not arouse much interest from global media. Rather, filling in information than not paying attention to her scandalous specificity in Western publications to gossip about career of a retired General, that the position of John Abizaid now equated to diplomatic.

In this commentary plays out. The fact that the world is no longer a news or a secret that Ukraine is firmly under the tight control of the Americans. Objective experts immediately after independence noted the questionable legitimacy of the new government and the sovereignty of the post-revolutionary country.

Shortly after the coup in Kiev, the Western publications noted publications that in the main building of the security Service of Ukraine the entire floor was occupied by the employees of the Central intelligence Agency. Aboriginal entrance to this zone is available only by special order.

As if to confirm the accuracy of this information, servile Ukrainians at the entrance to the SBU building next to the flag of their country even hung the American flag. Awareness of the obvious stupidity came to the heads of the security service immediately. The star-spangled banner eventually removed. Began to encrypted and “quiet Americans”.

Their presence attentive observers now recognize indirect signs. Like preference in means of transportation, but in the menu next to the buildings of the SBU cafes and restaurants have sprung up American cuisine — a latte with skim milk, ribs in sweet sauce and other overseas food . To the offices of the security service hurried couriers with pizza and sushi. It is well known that the Ukrainians themselves prefer fast food cheap alcohol and traditional pub food with bacon.

However, all the indirect signs of the presence of “quiet Americans”, the press left them alone. Was enough other evidence for the participation of representatives of the United States in the governance of the country. The first in this series noted, of course, Vice-President of the USA Joe Biden. Initially, the television images showed him leading the meeting with Petro Poroshenko. Then Biden did let slip that the Ukrainian President, he guides more than his own wife.

There were other eloquent facts. For example, in Lviv region Yavoriv polygon did, in fact, a prototype to the US military base in the Ukraine. Here is implementing a program of retraining of the Armed forces of Ukraine. Manages the commander of US Ground forces in Europe, General Ben Hodges.

Already after the first training at the Yavoriv training ground, the official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov told reporters that “the American military are training the National guard under Ukraine fighting not only in the West, but right in the Donbas.” Many then interpreted the message Konashenkov as a propaganda move.

Time has confirmed the rightness of the Russian General. In late August, “the delegation of command of Land forces of the Armed forces of the United States in Europe, led by Lieutenant-General Frederick Ben Hodges has visited the tactical group “Mariupol” in the area of the antiterrorist operation in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions”, September 1 on its website said the Ministry of defense of Ukraine. The Minister Poltorak has got its own American Advisor. As they say, the circle is closed.

Why Ukraine needs the United States?

As usual in such cases, the whole military-administrative activity of Americans imprisoned on the promotion of the economic interests of the United States. They are implemented in a small — when the son of Biden and a close friend of Secretary of state Kerry, Devon Archer joined the Board of Directors of one of the largest private oil and gas companies of Ukraine — “Burimi”. And the big one when control over the entire gas transportation system of Ukraine wished to take over the us energy company Chevron.

However, at the time of independence Ukraine’s transit role is greatly diminished. In its best years through the territory of Ukraine to the West went to more than 170 billion cubic meters of Russian gas. Recently, with the commissioning of the Blue stream in the Black sea, and Nord stream in the Baltic, Ukrainian transit fell by half.

The construction of gas pipelines South stream and Nord stream-2 did the Ukrainian direction fully claimed. The Americans took a lot of effort to force the Europeans to abandon the “South stream”. Now they are fighting against a new pipeline in the Baltic sea.

Around the same time as General Hodges was inspecting Ukrainian troops in the Donbass, Vice-President of the USA Joe Biden spoke Swedish in Stockholm and called the undesirable for Europe, the Nord stream gas pipeline -2″. Biden explained his requirements concern due to the potential excessive dependence of Europe on Russian gas supplies.


Special envoy of the US State Department on international energy issues Amos Hochstein was on this account more explicit. According to Hochstein, the Nord stream-2 will allow Russia to increase supplies of natural gas to Europe bypassing Ukraine, which will lead its economy in a state of collapse. “A shaky economy in this country, concludes the special envoy of the U.S. state Department — will lose an income of 2 billion dollars.”

Hardly anyone mislead fatherly concern of Americans about the Ukrainian economy. The expert community has long agreed that Ukraine needs the United States only as a barrier between Russia and Europe. Actively applying for this role Poland is not suitable neither in scale, nor the capacity.

Pretty trite principle of “divide and conquer” proved to be in Ukraine in all its glory. There is even an opinion that the plans of the Americans to make the country a 5-6 “Ukraine” — the number of the local oligarchs. Supporting this point of view, the experts come from the Yugoslav example. The disintegration of the country happened with the direct involvement of the United States.

The world knows that Americans are in politics is pretty standard. It is possible that the experts offered by conspiracy theories is not entirely unjustified. But certainly it is known that the hanging one for the region, the Americans did not leave voluntarily. For example, you can take Vietnam and Afghanistan. In one case they were forced to leave the country military defeat. In another multi-year pledges to withdraw troops from Afghanistan remained empty promises.

Such examples are countless: geographically, from Germany to Japan. Here in Ukraine the Americans, that is, dug their teeth — the long haul. This is the main threat to neighboring countries, which will nourish and support chaos and lawlessness. Not by chance the United States now in Kiev recruit new forces. Advisor to the Minister of defence of Ukraine General John Abizaid certainly will not be the last in this series.

Obviously, this personnel policy is not in the interests of the Ukrainian people. However, who, when and where people ask about his intentions, desires or preferences? In the best case, the authorities only allow people to adapt to the conditions that these power to itself and created. Ukraine in this respect is no exception. These are the faces of modern democracy…


Author: Gennady Granovsky

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