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The black market of Ukrainian weapons: who makes the war?

Черный рынок украинского оружия: кто зарабатывает на войне?

The militants in Iraq and Syria are expanding in new markets the purchase of arms, and one of the main is Ukraine. Armed conflict and chaos opens up great opportunities. Who and how makes the war?

In this cache — machine guns, rifles, ammunition. And such hiding places in the East of Ukraine — thousands. The area of conflict — Klondike weapons. The black market continues to flourish. The main consumers — Iraq, Syria, Libya. There weapons deposited in the hands of militants.

“Volunteer battalions dismissed, not hand over weapons to the commanders. Hiding because they don’t trust Kiev. Plus the officers of the army, using the power, you earn contraband,” — says senior researcher of the Institute of world economy and international relations Victor Nadein-Raevskii.

Recognize the problem and in Kyiv. Just last Friday the Prosecutor General of Ukraine has arrested the Deputy commander of the 53rd mechanized brigade APU for selling munitions in Donbas. And earlier, on 6 July, on the basis of a regiment of special function Ukrainian police “Dnepr-1” has found a large quantity of arms, ammunition and explosives, removed from the conflict zone.

At the beginning of June on Ukraine’s border with Poland have detained a French citizen. His car was found three grenade launchers, several machine guns and more than 100 kilograms of explosives. He was preparing terrorist attacks in France during the European championship on football.

Add fuel to the fire and neighbouring countries. Bulgaria, which recently was accused of selling Kalashnikovs in Syria, are also often operated through Ukrainian ports.

“Being taken through the ports of Odessa. Bribe or negotiate. Ways very much like to take out from Ukraine abroad”, — continues Viktor Nadein-Raevsky.

Illegal weapon settles and the Ukraine. Since the beginning of the year in the country the number of crimes with use of firearms has doubled. And often use explosives, as was the case with the murder of journalist Pavel Sheremet.

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